Example sentences of "[vb past] [prep] the [adj] man " in BNC.

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1 All saw the shudder that rippled through the big man like a wave ; the way his chin jutted forward and his face contorted in agony as he steeled himself to strike .
2 He inherited little from his father , but his wife , Suzan , was daughter of a wealthy lawyer , George Bennett , and after the latter 's death the Le Fanus moved into the dead man 's house in Merrion Square , Dublin .
3 Screams of pain and ecstasy rose from the wounded man .
4 Amazingly she found herself treated to a brief smile as Niall , hair concealed beneath the operating cap , glanced briefly in her direction before he bent over the unconscious man once more .
5 Alexei knelt beside the second man , examining him .
6 She knelt beside the young man as he lay slumped against the wheel of Sybil 's car .
7 Magee ignored the crimson puddles and knelt beside the dying man again , this time rolling him over onto his back .
8 She referred to the bestial man who fathered her as ‘ him ’ and never ‘ father ’ .
9 He concentrated on the little man instead , pictured breaking Gleeson into pieces , imagined him crumbling like polystyrene , or starved of air , deflating — ‘ Inside , Gleeson , ’ ordered one of the screws .
10 I knelt by the broken man .
11 It had a title which was not the most inspiring one I had heard in what I presumed to be my life , but told of the one man who had a great impression on me .
12 That was indeed an honour after all THEY played with the great man himself .
13 A terrible laugh came from the younger man .
14 The softly spoken command came from the third man , who had remained silent until now .
15 Cadfael kneeled behind the dead man 's shoulders , and looked closely at the indented wound , in which white points of bone showed in the centre of the encrusted blood .
16 Maxim ducked behind the first man who was hauling back his breath in short gasps .
17 Jackson spoke softly , still looking out of the window , his head turned from the other man .
18 The icy fear which showed in the older man 's eyes cut through Vologsky 's mild concern like a knife , chilling him to the bone .
19 But he could n't , so he climbed to the disabled man 's perch , and began a sensitive , confident probe , and discovered quite soon how far the man had progressed , and finished the work , fast and easily .
20 In His account of what happened to the rich man and Lazarus after they died ( Luke 16 verses 19/31 ) Jesus quoted the words spoken to the rich man in hell , by Abraham and in verses 29 and 31 we see Abraham referring to Moses and The Prophets and clearly he is speaking specifically of the scriptures attributed to them .
21 He turned to the young man who had woken him .
22 He turned to the taller man .
23 He turned to the paralysed man
24 He asked the victim where he worked , then left him to expire as he raced to the drowned man 's place of employment .
25 Perhaps what told him was the attention they paid to the drunk man who weaved his way , shouting and stumbling , down the car .
26 " … over backwards to accommodate you , but it really does look , I 'm afraid , as though this incident with the canal and the cat has to be just about the last straw , ah Steve , I understand from Mr Ashton here — " Smith nodded at the older man , who pursed his lips and nodded back , " — that Mr ah …
27 When you lived with the old man .
28 The girl had been missing for what — a week ? — and off-hand he agreed with the local man 's judgement that she had been here for most of it .
29 Or did the white men vanish from the tribe 's memory as completely as the tribe vanished for the white man ?
30 The door swung open again and a blond man as muscled as the first and cleanshaven in white T-shirt and faded jeans paused casually at the kerb , looked right then left and walked after the bearded man .
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