Example sentences of "[vb past] [prep] [noun prp] the [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 We 'll stay put in old West Ken , ’ but Oliver had seen it all , and I came to America the first time on May 25th .
2 But he made it clear when he arrived in Perth the next day that he disagreed with Marsh 's sacking , an interesting observation given that the players ' code of behaviour specifically states that they are not permitted to comment on selection decisions .
3 Giap arrived in Beijing the next day , the first high-ranking Vietnamese official to visit China openly since CPV general secretary Le Duan visited in late 1977 [ see p. 28913 ] .
4 A Dunbartonshire gentleman attached to the Duke of Montrose became involved in what he described as ‘ a foolish ploy [ which ] happened at Glasgow the first day at the Circuit held ther with some of our friends & Barrowfields , wher we were all fyned ’ .
5 As 8,000 refugees escaped into Croatia the last bridge was blown up .
6 Proceedings began on Friday the 23rd with a Commemoration Service at St. George 's , Heaviley , attended by masters and boys , Governors , parents , and friends .
7 My two weeks VR training finished , I returned to Blackpool the next day to start putting on the Ice Show at the famous Pleasure Beach — quite a change !
8 If she could fit in a few days ' break in order to attend the wedding in Andorra she would , she promised , and Peter returned to Rocamar the next day , leaving Sarella to close one chapter of her life and get on with the next .
9 He himself made history when , in 1984 , he donated over 1,200 pictures and objects to a foundation he established in Warsaw the first such institution since the war .
10 ‘ I believed in what I was doing , ’ he told the lawyers , smarting at the implication that maybe he did n't ; ‘ Once I talked to Ollie the first or second time , man I believed . ’
11 These concerns were reflected in memos like this , Gordon head of the state lottery finance department was part of the team charged with evaluating G Tec 's bid , he warned on November the third last year .
12 ‘ Do you remember any other mothers who delivered on April the tenth , Celia ?
13 Will 's brother Edmund died that winter — he was only twenty-seven — and Will 's mother died in September the next year .
14 They , they 're tremendously loyal and as I say , when they closed Walsall Wood Co-op we went to Aldridge the next little visit .
15 We went to Scotland the next day , first by plane , then by train .
16 ‘ Never been able to drink instant since I went to America the first time .
17 ‘ Wherever you went on Sunday the twenty-eighth of August , Nige .
18 To Derry we went on October the fifth ,
19 At the meeting er , of the Financial Resources Committee that I attended on Wednesday the first thing we discussed was the er the giving so far , up to the end of February from the various provinces and we , by the end of February er , the total was up to thirty thousand pounds less than we required er which could mean that the end of the year it could be a hundred and eighty thousand pounds less than required but er of all the
20 I do n't want to even think about the two mistakes I made at Wembley the last time against Spurs . ’
21 From there they 'll head for Scandinavia , across the C-I-S , through North America , then back to Europe , with the finish in Cannes scheduled for July the twelfth .
22 But I st I stayed in Dolgarrog the first two years .
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