Example sentences of "[vb past] [prep] [art] [noun pl] and " in BNC.

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1 A few hens pecked between the cobbles and rabbits scuffled in hutches along one of the dry-stone walls .
2 A timetable covering the completion of our work and of the transaction under the terms of the engagement will be drawn up and agreed between the directors and us by [ date ] .
3 The book is not confined to the needs of the conveyancing practitioner , however ; it is thought that the divorce practitioner should also have knowledge of the different types of conveyance which may be ordered by the court or agreed between the parties and the points which should be taken into account at that time , the protective measures that might be taken before the conveyance is concluded and the documentation that may be required in dealing with life policies .
4 FIVE people were killed and 33 injured when a packed train skidded off the rails and spun into trees yesterday .
5 And of course , now they when we originally moved in here we asked about the rates and they said oh they co they would n't raise it because it was an unfinished project
6 In fact , they asked for the practices and procedures of all the agencies involved to be thoroughly scrutinised .
7 More than 300 kg N , 80 kg P and 560 kg K were recovered per hectare per year by this method and most of this passed through the pigs and was used as fertilizer for the cropped fields .
8 So I graduated from watcher to player and clapped as the sons and the Omani drummers played and sang .
9 She made for the fires and the sudden yellow flashes that lit up the central complex of buildings .
10 You got for the daughters and you 're gon na get them some , two hankies to go with it .
11 I plunged through the brambles and the cow parsley and long grass towards it …
12 To compete , I suppose , Malc had his ego ( and other parts ) massaged between the sheets and in my heart of hearts I knew his affairs were superficial — of the genitals rather than the heart — and during one of our deep analytical discussions on the subject , he admitted that he could n't wait to leave his lover 's bed and get home once the act was over .
13 Slowly , methodically , they moved between the trees and over the rough-grassed , uneven ground , making sure nothing slipped between them .
14 He never charged for the rooms and the journalists repaid him by keeping their custom at the bar .
15 She drew off the boots and put them , lolling side by side , as it were breathing together , before she stuffed them full of tissue-paper to keep their shape .
16 Sometimes as she moved through the rooms and hollows of the ruin the light was yellow ; sometimes green , sometimes tinged with orange .
17 As they moved through the halls and the corridors , she felt as never before the layers upon layers of history .
18 Water rose through the eyes and mouths .
19 And beer , caught between the factors and the one third increase in teetotalism over the past decade .
20 By midday we were making giant strides , so we headed for the hills and learnt how to herringbone up them and swoosh down them .
21 The capital cost of the SNS and its associated instruments will be about £20 million .
22 It swung back and forth , creaking in the wind as it moved past the cliffs and over the sea .
23 The man outside the buffet sucked on his cigarette and watched her as she headed towards the gates and the platforms beyond .
24 He followed her when she moved towards the cliffs and began to climb up the path that curved and twisted on the cliff-face .
25 They drew near the trees and Corbett felt he was entering a different world .
26 I helped with the cows and the chickens , and went up on the hills with Mr Parks and his dog to look at the sheep .
27 One patch is even rougher than the rest : the landscaped relic of a bulldozed block , which had to come down because sewage erupted into the sinks and lavatories .
28 Evidently no generalization decrement occurred with the stimuli and procedures used here because there was no loss of conditioned responding in group D. But the stimuli and procedures used in the aversive conditioning experiment of Fig. 4.5(b) were just the same as those used in the appetitive conditioning experiment of Fig. 4.5(a) .
29 They caught a glimpse of his robe in the candlelight , but only a glimpse because then he moved into the shadows and it was only by Mordecai 's gestures that they could tell where he was .
30 The rest of his men fled with the servants and the local gentry .
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