Example sentences of "[vb past] [prep] [art] [noun sg] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ There was no real panic but when we landed and got off the plane the window looked like a spider 's web .
2 Even so , I am teetering on the brink of spending £300 to replace the turntable I foolishly ditched as an anachronism a few months ago .
3 Rye stood out from most other towns in that it became for a while a Puritan ‘ Common Wealth ’ , a centre of social experiment and rigorous public morality under its two vicars , Joseph Beeton and his successor John Allen .
4 Indeed , this became for a time a veritable obsession , giving rise in some academic circles to the idea of a whole new field of study , to be called ‘ psephology ’ , and in the lower reaches of political communication to the massive television coverage of national elections , in which precise calculations of ‘ swings ’ from one party to another and predictions of the eventual outcome of the electoral contest tended to overshadow any serious discussion of the substance of political conflicts .
5 His chief undertaking , Fowey Consols , became for a time the second largest producer in Cornwall .
6 Born in 1927 , Denis Serjeant qualified as an architect the hard way , by taking external examinations whilst articled to an Oxford architect .
7 Constable McLennan conveyed through the secretary the fact that a Neighbourhood Watch was about to be established covering Foulis Crescent and Woodhall Avenue and a preliminary meeting would be held in the Village Hall on Monday 25th January .
8 Constable McLennan conveyed through the secretary the fact that a Neighbourhood Watch was about to be established covering Foulis Crescent and Woodhall Avenue and a preliminary meeting would be held in the Village Hall on Monday 25th January .
9 Chris Nicholls from Plymouth asked for a Turbo The Tortoise infinite lives poke , so thanks go to W Keenan from Tyne and Wear for his/her help .
10 When the Campaign for the Protection of Rural Wales , and the Gwent and Brecknock Wildlife Trusts met council officers and their advisers they asked for an assurance the council would proceed with the bill ( 2 ) .
11 Ranteallo simply looked sheepish when we first asked for an explanation the following morning , and it was left to Werner Meyer to give us an explanation , when he finally arrived to join us .
12 Climbing the 60 , narrow , twisting steps from the nave to the ringing chamber left me worn out — but when I staggered through the door the chamber was packed .
13 It is highly unlikely that he envisaged anything more than joint diplomatic pressure on Russia which would bring Nicholas to the conference table to discuss the problems at issue , which explains why he used as a pretext the totally ridiculous question of the keys to the Holy places in Jerusalem , whose custody was disputed between the Latin Catholic and Greek Orthodox churches .
14 We stopped for the night a mile down the road just out of sight .
15 When Herve charged through the door the Italian was lying on his bed reading a porn comic .
16 There were drawings , too , rolled aside out of the way , and ranged along the bench a great array of tools , mallets , chisels and punches , from the coarsest to the needle-fine , all their handles polished and worn with use .
17 When the caretaker eventually ventured into the room the following day , all was as usual .
18 Alan , Carolyn and Christopher moved into a flat the September after he was born .
19 In our computer models in Chapter 3 , we deliberately built into the computer the basic ingredients of cumulative selection .
20 In the near distance to our rear the guns had started shelling the German positions , the shells uncomfortably low as they rushed overhead and crashed into an area a short distance away .
21 The incident with the car had taken her mind off Luke , but as she changed into a housecoat a sudden idea flashed across her mind .
22 I found it incomprehensible that anyone should want to reproduce Cedric , and as I gaped into the receiver a frightening vision floated before me of eight little Cedrics all with his complaint .
23 Sure enough , in the morning , a small round table holding an appetising array of titbits rose from the floor a minute or two before Susan and Michael had finished their exercise routine .
24 Embarrassed , she drew from a shelf a book on Møn .
25 To that end , again we will probably be stronger in that area but t to that end we formed a group of partners who were going to specifically target er that that market place er we drew from the triple A practice and tax practice and M C S. Looking at the products and the reviews to get into that first those those clients .
26 He explained his vision of primacy stemmed from the way the Pope can sometimes speak for all Christians in a way that no other bishop can .
27 Partly no doubt because Bob had been brought up in Thornton Heath , he was popular with local fans , but his popularity also stemmed from the fact the he made or scored vital goals precisely when they were needed .
28 What I did know was that I discerned in the detail the cynical hand of the practising hack .
29 But he mentioned in an essay the degree to which certain forms of anaemia were conducive to such creation ; and , in our conversation that day , he described how , when he was working on The Waste Land in Switzerland in 1921 ( ‘ by the waters of Leman ’ ) , he felt at one moment that his brain was going to burst .
30 When Stephanie 's mother died we found in the bungalow a watch , it must of been given I would of thought to her father probably for his twenty first and I took it to a jewellers in Elton , well that 's all he does is watches actually apart from jewellery .
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