Example sentences of "[vb past] [noun sg] for the [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 He became mayor for the first time in October 1261 and was reappointed in October 1262 , years in which the king dominated London , having thrown off the restrictions imposed on him by the Provisions of Oxford in 1258 .
2 He tried very hard not to cough like he 'd seen people cough in westerns when they tried whisky for the first time , and got away with just clearing his throat rather loudly ( he looked round at the curtains , afraid somebody might have heard ) .
3 The Islamic fundamentalist Welfare Party ( RP-Refah Partisi — led by Necmettin Erbakan ) entered parliament for the first time , with 62 seats , on an agenda which included withdrawal from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization ( NATO ) and renunciation of efforts towards EC membership .
4 Nijinsky then went to Longchamp as a hot favourite for the Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe , but there , under a less-than-brilliant ride from Piggott , he tasted defeat for the first time , beaten a head by Sassafras .
5 She drew breath for the first time in three and a quarter hours .
6 For the last year of his life he suffered from myeloma , a form of bone cancer , and entered hospital for the last time in July where he made friends with another patient who , unfortunately , soon died .
7 She was five and a half when she entered school for the first time .
8 Domestic consumption of grain overtook production for the first time .
9 The one year Certificate course for ‘ women returners ’ at Launder College was well received and another group received funding for the next year .
10 From what I could gather , we played crap for the first 20–25 minutes .
11 He was there for some time , and was with her when she regained consciousness for the last time . ’
12 When Chris Lewis replaced Malcolm , ball dominated bat for the first time in the match , with nothing to show for it .
13 But the king 's cause attracted a motley crew of discontents and zealots , and placed many moderate men in a dilemma over their allegiance to state or church which dominated politics for the next 150 years .
14 Success followed success for the next few years but no races were held in 1888 and 1890 and the revival in 1891 was the beginning of another era with new builders entering the field although Lee 's still took an interest in events for in 1900 their steamboat " Lee " dressed overall took 80 members of the firm to see the Medway Barge Race .
15 In Land ( state ) elections on April 21 in Kohl 's home state , the Rhineland-Palatinate , the CDU lost power for the first time since 1949 .
16 Spain and Portugal took part for the first time , having signed accession protocols on Nov. 14 , 1988 ( see pp. 36105-06 ; 36429 ) .
17 Among other multilateral contacts , Albanian delegations took part for the first time in a range of regional meetings , including a conference of Mediterranean chambers of commerce in April and one on Mediterranean water sources in May .
18 The Christian Democratic Party ( PDC ) won 28 per cent and 26 seats , the right-wing National Conciliation Party ( PCN ) 9 per cent and nine seats and the left-wing Democratic Convergence ( CD ) 12.2 per cent and eight seats , although earlier estimates had suggested that the CD , which took part for the first time in a legislative election , had overtaken the PCN into third place .
19 The party leader , Július Sólnes , took responsibility for the first two , while the deputy leader , Oli Th .
20 As he took guard for the next delivery , they uttered a communal sigh of relief and turned away from the game .
21 The Bramham Three Day Event took place for the first time in 1974 .
22 The prestigious event , at which leading scientists discuss global environment , took place for the first time this year , in Rio de Janeiro .
23 I think that evening I felt instinct for the first time — what not to do and what to do .
24 During eight American tours , two years in South America , and in South Africa , Australasia , India , and the Far East , thousands saw ballet for the first time .
25 At a meeting on Washington on Feb. 9 climatologists reached agreement for the first time on the assessment of likely climatic effects of the increased burning of fossil fuels and deforestation .
26 It took time for the first cracks to appear .
27 He said he took heroin for the first time when he was on the rebound from a broken relationship .
28 ‘ Last spring , bluebells grew in this cleared area for the first time in years , ’ Alan said .
29 The Arab participants in the negotiations attended the Islamic Conference Organization Foreign Ministers ' meeting in Jeddah in late November where they discussed strategy for the eighth round .
30 In 1975 , women with husbands in social class V gave birth for the first time a mere nine months after marriage , as at most times in the past .
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