Example sentences of "[vb past] [noun sg] at the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 They made camp at the top of a bank by a fallen tree .
2 They made camp at the top of a bank by a fallen tree .
3 And conversely , in the exalté atmosphere of Northern Nigeria , a Resident who admitted defeat at the hands of his emir was deemed to be guilty of two unpardonable sins : he disgraced by his ineptitude the good name of the British Colonial Service ; and he brought the whole principle of local administrative autonomy into disrepute .
4 Mrs Hollidaye met Dot at the train with the Ford drawn right up to the station exit .
5 For the SAC , music officer Helen Jamieson reported delight at the wealth and variety of excellent proposals , and at the evident enthusiasm for new Scottish music .
6 Mine host insisted upon introducing him to everyone , which helped identification at the cost of making him somewhat more conspicuous than he would have liked .
7 Lady Clinton turned pale and would have fainted in the saddle if Benjamin had not caught her , whilst Sir Robert shouted abuse at the outriders , telling them to move on .
8 ’ The provision of the men who were eventually to take over responsibility for the management of an enterprise was regarded as a matter of making sure that enough young men entered business at the foot of the ladder , ’ wrote Falk of the old days .
9 She would never tire of that view , never get used to hills that changed colour at the whim of the sun , or the trees and flowers and a sky free of rooftops and chimney stacks .
10 Birkenhead-born Swain , who tasted life at the top as a player with Chelsea , Nottingham Forest and Aston Villa , said : ‘ Relegation is a terrible feeling for everyone involved and it wo n't go away until the first game of the season .
11 I referred sir at the beginning to er the limited experience I 've had in Nottinghamshire where erm a criteria based policy was put into a structure plan erm for er in that case for a prestige business development I think is what they call it , prestige business park , that was a criteria based policy as a way of containing , stopping this strategic issue becoming a Trojan horse for lots of other things .
12 In the early 1840's it was computed that some 240 or so adult male workers found employment at the mines .
13 Jeremy 's natural joy in the festivities found fulfilment at the Youngs ' house , where a children 's party and innumerable presents helped to put his father 's tragedy into the background .
14 He studied agriculture in England , but entered politics at the age of 21 and won a seat in the Sind provincial assembly .
15 The youth that winked defiance at the moon .
16 Cinema admissions had indeed increased as people sought escape at the movies from the horrors of war , and the flow of French and Italian imports had been disrupted , but the screen-time made available had been almost totally absorbed by American pictures : by 1918 some 80 per cent or films shown in Britain were from the US .
17 Back at the Noones ' , I enjoyed a snack in the front room , in the company of the good-looking teenage Noones , curly-headed Martin ( or ‘ Murt ’ ) and his pink-cheeked sister , a wholesome girl who played guitar at the Folk Mass .
18 It also reduced friction at the point of contact .
19 Thus both Castile and Genoa became suppliers of galleys which often fought on the French side , notably in 1416 when the Genoese provided part of the fleet which suffered defeat at the hands of the English at the battle of the Seine , off Harfleur .
20 Mackay is a Scot who came south at the request of Mrs Thatcher following the resignation of Lord Havers due to ill health in 1987 .
21 ‘ I booked lunch at the château and it is time we were off . ’
22 He studied law at the Moscow State University , and went on to become a full Communist Party member two years later , in nineteen fifty two .
23 He then studied chemistry at the City and Guilds of London Institute under F. S. Kipping [ q.v. ] , who became his friend .
24 ( When he became Chancellor of the Exchequer this practice caused consternation at the Treasury , when he used only a page of notes to assist him in moving complicated resolutions on wartime finance ; he relied successfully on his memory to provide details and figures . )
25 The Copyright Tribunal 's decision in March to charge only nominal fees for that information caused outrage at the BBC , which would like remuneration to be much higher .
26 For example , the first issue appearing after I poked fun at The Guardian for spelling septic as ‘ sceptic ’ had an article that spelt aseptic as ‘ asceptic ’ .
27 On the first run the purchaser discovered a number of faults ; the dynamo did not work and the lorry consumed petrol at the rate of 5 m.p.g .
28 Shiona swallowed drily , her fingers clutched tightly around her glass as she continued to stare with unblinking , blurred vision at the photograph of Ryan in the big silver frame .
29 She reflected that if Time had needed to deposit its flotsam on her doorstep , could it not have taken the form of a steady young man who caught the 5.30 train home each evening , and played cricket at the weekends ?
30 The pelta-urns have a hollow body and a small , filled triangle at the base .
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