Example sentences of "[vb past] [prep] [art] [adj] place " in BNC.

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1 ‘ When Agnes disappeared , ’ replied Monks , ‘ her father changed his name and moved to a lonely place in Wales , where no one would know about the family shame .
2 It stopped at the usual place , and a soldier in a red and gold uniform jumped down .
3 And er I used to go myself quite a lot er when there were well when there were more than one coming up I 've seen me go into , down in the pullman train from here to er , well we had about five changes I think , fat father had it all marked out so as you changed at a certain place .
4 The staff of the Home were involved , and Mrs R. opted for a permanent place and was transferred at once .
5 So America seemed like a good place to come . ’
6 ‘ But you seemed keen to meet me this morning , so this seemed like the best place . ’
7 See it installed in a public place and then bow out .
8 Indeed , is this not what you advised in the first place ?
9 The two who came in the first place .
10 It was a lesson on how to conduct yourself in huge menacing Dublin traffic if you came from a small place like Knockglen .
11 Describing his arrival in Britain in 1959 , Honderich states that he ‘ came from a decent place to join a nation of decency … ( when ) the decency of England … was … still in a kind of ascendancy ’ .
12 Now that we know what it means , will the Prime Minister reflect on the ’ double whammy ’ that he received from the other place on the Education ( Schools ) Bill last night ?
13 Soon I came to a strange place where the river divided , one part of it compressed as a hurling white torrent between steep artificial banks , the other part let into a tranquil canal that entered Galway from the countryside .
14 ‘ We came to a lonely place where I could hear the sea crashing on rocks near by .
15 ‘ You want gracious elegance , you came to the right place . ’
16 Dozens of times they 'd gone in single file when they came to the narrow place , made narrow by a growth of gorse .
17 Someone whistled them out when we came to the narrowest place , bows strung and shafts fitted , shouting to us to halt .
18 They walked on , thinking of This and That , and by-and-by they came to an enchanted place on the very top of the Forest called Galleons Lap , which is sixty-something trees in a circle ; and Christopher Robin knew that it was enchanted because nobody had ever been able to count whether it was sixty-three or sixty-four , not even when he tied a piece of string round each tree after he had counted it .
19 In fact he drove to a further place , as he had always intended .
20 And therefore , you begin to question whether it ever really happened in the first place , do n't you .
21 The big pitfall is the prospect of a currency loss if sterling declines still further , which can wipe out the benefit of interest rate savings and leave the borrower owing more debt than he borrowed in the first place .
22 ( The theatre , always open-air , consisted in the first place of a circular dancing-floor ( orchestra ) , where the chorus danced and sang , and the skene , behind the orchestra , was later added for the actors .
23 When a commentary on Michael Rutter 's Fifteen Thousand Hours was formulated by Tizard and others ( 1980 ) it acknowledged in the first place that in the report an impressive base of data supported " an architecture in which many common sense perceptions about schools were co-ordinated " ( Tizard et al.
24 All too often records of women , whether mistress of the house or maid servant , are lost or never existed in the first place .
25 ‘ Ca n't think how he escaped in the first place , ’ complained the Home Secretary .
26 Once you begin lying , it is hard not to go on because it is impossible to explain why you lied in the first place .
27 actually asked in the first place .
28 It was by no means clear how the figure arose in the first place .
29 But the new cohorts felt much less keenly the social conditions from which the class alignment arose in the first place .
30 By removing the incentive to become or to stay competitive , countries risk losing in the longer term the benefits they sought in the first place .
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