Example sentences of "[vb past] [prep] [verb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Whilst the record companies sat on their hands , nervous of another quadraphonic-style fiasco , Karajan announced after seeing the new technology as a working prototype that he would make no new recordings and sign no new contracts with any company that was not committed to digital recording and the earliest possible launch of the compact disc .
2 The crew 's immediate aims are Neptune and Queen 's Regattas followed by Limerick as they quietly built towards bringing the Senior Pot back to Belfast after a 30 year wait .
3 As a boy of fifteen he had impressed his father , the Emperor Jehangir , with the taste he demonstrated in redesigning the Imperial apartments in Kabul .
4 While the Department of Greek and Roman Antiquities at the British Museum , he helped in creating the new displays for the Museum 's collection of classical antiquities that had just come out of wartime storage .
5 The only injury Crawford sustained in making the second series was when he stubbed his finger while inside a wardrobe that tumbled down a flight of stairs in an episode about Frank attending an RAF reunion .
6 The National Association of Schoolmasters ( NAS ) concentrated upon attacking the comprehensive school system and importantly , was involved in public campaigns around the level of violence in schools ( Taylor op. cit . ) .
7 The shape of the garden had to be changed in order to allow the widening of the access road and long delays occurred in defining the new boundaries .
8 In particular , the London owners saw their position as different from those of other ports and remained indifferent to the idea of a nationwide employers ' organization devoted to stemming the rising tide of trade unionism among seamen , and without London support any such project was unlikely to succeed .
9 It sanctioned the sexualization of women by men , making them ‘ a thing , an instrument devoted to appeasing the sexual passion of the man ’ .
10 That evening he devoted to discussing the agreeable question of what he should wear for his triumphant entry into London .
11 Shortly after the middle of the century , John of Salisbury finished his famous Policraticus , a discursive and unanalytical work devoted to criticizing the contemporary mores in the ruling circles of church and state , and to putting forward a higher code of conduct .
12 It concentrated on talking the public back to work by exaggerated claims of the numbers of people at work .
13 If we concentrate only on Japan and the East Asian NICs , the choices , although somewhat inchoate between national strategies , do appear to have some common elements oriented towards re-casting the organizational and industrial relations arena in terms consonant with those which marked the 1980s revival of neo-conservative liberal analysis .
14 Eventually orders came through confirming the worst : the Austrian cuirassiers were to stay there and fight to the last man .
15 Greatrakes became the object of controversy with fierce polemics in the public prints ; and it is an impressive testimonial to the veracity of his healing powers that he was not burnt as a witch like many faith healers of the time , or at least arraigned for usurping the royal prerogative .
16 They are based at a duty room outside the Soviet War Memorial in the Tiergarten , tasked with policing the 3.7 kilometres of Wall which separates the British and Soviet sectors .
17 They still believed in influencing the Labour Party .
18 Whereas many otherwise ‘ progressive ’ disciples of Rousseau believed in controlling the entire environment of the child and programming its mind with carefully selected sense impressions , Wordsworth and Dorothy believed in complete freedom : ‘ Till a child is four years old he needs no other companions than the flowers , the grass , the cattle , the sheep that scamper away from him , when he makes a vain unexpecting chase after them , the pebbles upon the road etc .
19 One of the brigade 's proudest possessions is a letter from King George V , thanking them for the part they played in saving the Royal Train during the disastrous fire in the Works in 1933 , when £30,000 worth of damage was caused .
20 Save The Children are to be congratulated for the part they played in securing the nineteen eighty nine United Nations convention on the rights of the child .
21 Her approach to academic seminars would seem to confirm some of the claims that she was totally out of her depth when it came to discussing the new discoveries which she had allegedly made .
22 Yet between 1933 and 1942 J. Arthur Rank put together a vertically-integrated film empire that was the nearest Britain ever came to emulating the great Hollywood studios .
23 In the past year they have lost a bishop in a love-child affair but over the past few days they had more faith in prayer than in their politicians when it came to saving the Digital computer plant .
24 When it came to producing the overall figures for coal and nuclear generation in its annual reports the CEGB used a system of ‘ historic cost ’ accounting .
25 Louis Gerstner clearly decided that discretion was the better part of valour when it came to facing the blue rinse brigade at the annual meeting in Tampa , Florida yesterday , and just before the meeting , IBM Corp announced that its diminished dividend would be unchanged at 54 cents a share for the first quarter ; there had been fears that the company would cut it again .
26 A school has had a restricted spending function when it came to utilising the limited amount of money available to buy books and equipment under its capitation allowance .
27 ‘ I had no choice when it came to rescuing the helpless victim of an unknown accident .
28 As with model answers to mathematical problems , one can then see how close the agent came to finding the right alternative by the right route .
29 But most looked like dolls ' houses , Léonie thought , where the women played at rearranging the clean furniture .
30 And with bright , almost gaudy colour schemes including bright blue and really bright red , the £12,500 Wrangler is certainly an eye-catcher , I confirmed after leaving the off-road track for a spin around Renfrewshire .
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