Example sentences of "[vb past] [adv prt] into the house " in BNC.

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1 Alexei turned and shouted back into the house .
2 She asked Monica to stay where she was , sneaked back into the house as though she were guilty of something , came out again with the letter she had written to her mother .
3 ‘ The first time she went out in it she came back into the house giggling that she 'd driven through town with the top down , even though it was freezing .
4 I came back into the house soon afterwards , but Emily walked for an hour or two in the rain with her dog , Keeper .
5 When she came back into the house , her dress was wet through .
6 But at that moment , as Cicely and Guthrie Hepwood came back into the house from the stables , all she knew was that , while she still wanted Naylor , she could not let him make love to her — not in his aunt 's and uncle 's house with them only in the next-door room , for all she knew .
7 She stalked off into the house .
8 Cameron turned back into the house for his cloak and tried to order his thoughts as the last fogginess of sleep evaporated in his head .
9 He waved weakly after the car but he did not speak as Rose shut the door and they turned back into the house .
10 Later , after watching him drive away , Sophie turned back into the house .
11 ‘ Put some rugs on her , ’ he ordered Perdita , as he raced back into the house .
12 Then she yawned , blinked , turned her back and walked off into the house .
13 As he started the car and moved away , she turned and walked back into the house .
14 ‘ You worry too much , my friend , ’ he said , and together they walked back into the house .
15 He walked back into the house .
16 She walked back into the house , and Piers glanced at her with one raised eyebrow .
17 The clear day stretched before her ; when she walked back into the house her day would be filled .
18 Simone rushed back into the house , dumping the bags on the kitchen table , calling out for someone to give her a hand .
19 And , with a mocking haste , I rushed back into the house , Benjamin following more slowly .
20 Last week , however , his wife dashed back into the house to report an orfe average length 12–17 inches dead on the pool bottom .
21 Wearily I trailed back into the house .
22 When they reached the yard , Emily went on into the house while Mungo watched Jos and Stanley change a wheel on the old blue van .
23 Walking past her , his stride long and rangy , he went on into the house .
24 Alexei gestured at the still-quivering sword , and then strode on into the house .
25 He squeezed them and kissed them and went off into the house .
26 With a polite smile , Victoria went back into the house and shut the door .
27 The wireless blared ‘ I just called to say I love you ’ as Daisy went back into the house .
28 After waking the older girl , her mother went back into the house to finish her coffee , and almost immediately heard first one , then several other cars go speeding up the lane past the door .
29 When she went back into the house her aunt was busy with the last meal she would prepare for her family .
30 She went back into the house and locked the door behind her .
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