Example sentences of "[vb past] [adv prt] [prep] a very " in BNC.

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1 A day or so later , I came down with a very nasty bout of influenza .
2 Mark came in with a very respectable time of three and a half hours in his first marathon .
3 He solved her problem because when he came in with a very satisfied-looking Candace Rainford beside him he came straight over to Maggie .
4 ‘ But suddenly the mortar came in from a very unexpected area .
5 Amitha : Then the Union Working Party on EOP in which the three of us were involved came up with a very well worked-out response to the EOP Code of Practice on Recruitment and Selection Procedures .
6 I came up with a very simple answer to this problem and hope it will help others .
7 He became aware that the Boulton & Watt steam-engines installed in so many factories in the first quarter of the nineteenth century could no longer be coaxed to produce more power to meet ever-growing demands , and he came up with a very elegant solution which prolonged the useful life of these engines by many years .
8 ‘ I took every precaution possible to ensure he did n't come into contact with the virus but he still came back with a very dirty nose and coughed very badly . ’
9 Which was just as well , as this time he came back after a very few minutes .
10 Just then Ferryman , the big soft lad , came out of a very pleasant day-dream about roast chicken and started to pay attention .
11 each one came out as a very personalised and individualistic comment which reflected that child .
12 The tenth case got off with a very stern reprimand from Matron and a very black mark against her name for the rest of her career .
13 ‘ I mean , letters like that are just a laugh , are n't they ? ’ she rushed on with a very poor effort at bravado .
14 There are several good accounts of both the history and the methodology of the project , and though the survey arose out of a very particular set of circumstances which may seem alien to many of us , the underlying values and the problems which spring from the lack of accountability to the resident community of the relatively small set of people who own and control the land has very important lessons for every country .
15 When she first came she ate so much so often that I thought she had worms , but she settled down to a very moderate appetite , so the worming tablet the vet .
16 mm , mm , were , were talking about what happens when people who have fallen in love get together and decide to stay together for a bit and its been suggested that marriage can put some strains on er what started off as a very heady mutual experience , if your lucky , let me ask you this , do you think marriage destroys love ? , button one for yes and button two for no , does marriage destroy love ? , as you understand it mm a few are not sure but thirty people have said yes , who said yes
17 And you thought , ooh it 's going to be fifty degrees because of because we started off with a very easy number three pound sixty .
18 You 're talking about some forms of abuse which went on for a very very long time indeed to pull the average up like that .
19 No vote was taken and Sir John refused to say whether any clubs opposed the deal but he added : ‘ It all went through in a very few minutes . ’
20 Joss grew up into a very pleasant pig , and some can be very temperamental and even nasty , and he stayed with us whilst Mother was alive .
21 But Louisa , who had been brought up with her father 's constant comment that she was ‘ the prettiest girl in the world ’ , grew up with a very unreal need to feel praised and fêted for her looks , and when as a teenager she did n't get the same kind of compliments from other people , she not surprisingly felt unloved and unattractive as a result .
22 He kicked off with a very comfortable success in Division One of the Restricted on Jim Papworth 's Melton Park , who made light of his 7lb. penalty in his fourth victory of the season , and followed up in Division Two on Paylins .
23 At the Red Cross warehouse , we were met by Stoyaeka who drove us to her house where she gave us a meal of soup , bread , stew and dumplings , all washed down with a very palatable local red wine .
24 She sat down on a very solid patio chair and knew she was living a nightmare .
25 I sat down in a very deep sofa .
26 ‘ My contribution ended up as a very defined , but audible sound .
27 Because that glitzy little bit of apparent nonsense is not a novel at all ; but a condensed version of the Real Life Story of Miss Pat Booth , who at 45 still looks as good as she did 20 years ago , and has found fame , fortune and happiness , all wrapped up in a very glossy package indeed .
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