Example sentences of "[vb past] [to-vb] at [noun prp] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In the midst of an American speaking tour , she stopped to lecture at Depauw University at Greencastle , near Indianapolis .
2 I promised to stay at Morton school until Christmas , when St John would be able to find another teacher .
3 Grandad arrived in Baldersdale around the turn of the century , to work on the building of the reservoir , and came to lodge at Low Birk Hatt , when Great-Grandfather Tallentire was running it .
4 Millworkers ' houses were erected by the owners of Kinleith Mill , along with other houses for the use of quarry workers who came to work at Torphin Quarry .
5 When Bill Clough proposed , she accepted him and came to live at Petworth Estate .
6 ALMOST the first thing Jenny did when she came to live at Dale End was to fall in the river .
7 Spinning by the village women fell into disuse by 1819 and the wheels were silent until Mr Albert Fleming and his housekeeper , Miss Twelves , came to live at Neaum Crag , Skelwith Bridge .
8 Somewhere in the stillness of the night an owl hooted — the first one she 'd heard since she came to live at Les Hiboux , Sabine realised , surprised .
9 Another African host , the late President Samuel Doe of Liberia , had much in common with Elena : he aspired to study at Cambridge University .
10 But County 's record £750,000 signing decided to stay at Meadow Lane , where he has scored only once since moving last November .
11 ‘ I have attempted to see Queen Yolande to ask her why she did not send out a search-party for the King when he failed to arrive at Kinghorn Manor .
12 We have an eye-witness who heard him when he went to preach at Easington colliery to a large congregation of miners and their families , who felt that he himself and the other hearers were electrified .
13 He resigned from Whitefield 's and intended to resign from Parliament , and went to lecture at Yale University on ‘ The Romance of Preaching ’ .
14 As her friend Carolyn Bartholomew , who watched her waste away during her engagement , recalls : ‘ She went to live at Buckingham Palace and then the tears started .
15 WELL , SIR , WHEN Miss Catherine became Mrs Linton , and we went to live at Thrushcross Grange , I must say I was surprised and pleased by her behaviour .
16 When his father died in 1933 Dawson inherited the family property in Yorkshire and went to live at Hartlington Hall , but stayed there only a few years because of his frail health .
17 Later on , when Lewis and his wife and the baby went to stay at Wyvis Hall , Hilbert 's only comment on his great-nephew 's name was :
18 At the end of his first week back , Baldwin went to stay at Cumberland Lodge , in Windsor Great Park , only a few miles front Fort Belvedere , a bijou residence which justified its martial name only by looking like a toy castle , but which was nonetheless the King 's main base throughout his brief reign .
19 After six years at Bishop 's House he went to reside at St Urban 's , Leeds and then in 1982 moved to Holy Family , Leeds , taking over as Parish Priest from Canon Patrick Bradley in 1985 .
20 Meanwhile Worcestershire elected to bat at New Road and are ( 266 for 7 ) two hundred and sixty six for seven .
21 Under that flippant attitude he liked to show at Park Crescent was a mind like quicksilver .
22 It must be remembered that W. was not refusing all medical treatment — she was merely expressing the view that she wished to remain at Dr. M. 's clinic .
23 He was one of six chosen from a brigade of 40 to accompany Quinn when he then left to work at Ettington Park , Staffordshire .
24 Ignoring him , Ellie continued to smile at Mrs McMahon .
25 Like Carolyn , she had to look at Bill Kay with new eyes before finding him sexy .
26 She wished to arrive at Frizingley Hall that day around two o'clock , a convenient hour when , with luncheon just over , Mrs Amabel Dallam would be lying on her bed recovering from the exertions of ordering and then pecking at her food , Miss Linnet Gage reading aloud to her , perhaps , as an aid to the digestive processes of one lady , the nest-building of the other , so that Cara might give Miss Gemma Dallam her fitting alone .
27 he continued to teach at Chelsea School of Art , and has also taught at the Royal Academy Schools since 1975 when Peter Greenham invited him to teach in the Life Room .
28 The Dalisons continued to live at Halling Palace until 1656 , when the grandson of Sir Maximilian , also named Maximilian , married Frances Stanley of West Peckham , heir to Thomas Stanley .
29 After their father 's death Alice and Robert Edelson continued to live at Edelson House , which has a 50ft-high monument in the garden , a memorial to two Edelson babies who died when only months old .
30 In January also he had to speak at Pusey House in Oxford on " The Lambeth Conference and Education " , but one student 's disappointment at his performance on this occasion suggests the strain and lack of preparedness which were forced on him during this period : " In questions Mr Eliot was most feeble and hesitant , humming and hawing much and throwing back the questions with " Is that not what I said ? " or " Does it not prove my point ? "
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