Example sentences of "[vb past] [to-vb] in [art] [det] " in BNC.

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1 He too had been influenced by Lyell , and as early as 1855 had published a paper commenting on the fact that new species always seemed to appear in the same neighbourhood as a closely related existing species .
2 But the sailors in the northern hemisphere — the part of the earth north of the Equator — realised that there was one star which always seemed to stay in the same place — the Pole Star .
3 But if , by sheer coincidence , all the molecules just happened to move in the same direction at the same moment , the hand would move .
4 But the overlap in dates — Tolkien 's book began to appear in the same year as Lucky Jim — is fortuitous , not significant , and the overlap in time was not a collision of rival forces , rather the side-by-side running of parallel tracks .
5 Again , according to Escoffier himself a Paris factory , the Maison Fontaine took up the canned tomato industry , the whole department of the Vaucluse started to specialise in the same business , and it was only after the events recorded by him that Italy and America introduced their own versions of canned tomatoes .
6 The person on duty disappeared out the back and I went to sit in the same seat where I had sat the night before .
7 I never thought to find in the same establishment a Gooseneck , a Ramsbum and a Blitherdick . ’
8 It argued that public-sector resources were substantial , ‘ but efforts need to be pulled together more effectively , and brought to bear in the same place at the same time ’ ( ibid .
9 Miki managed to slip in a few ‘ wise words , matey . ’
10 But Stripey rarely chose to sleep in the same place two nights running .
11 Yes and he 's very , very difficult to feed himself , to get the food in because , you know , he liked to come in a half past ten and bully me to cook things for him that 's why sometimes I used to run up to bed and pretend I was asleep .
12 These symptoms were present most of the time , but became much worse if Sheila drove the car , used certain aerosol sprays , or had to sit in the same room as someone wearing perfume or aftershave .
13 There were two clues in the problem : first , that the letters had to appear in the same order , which helped you try out possible solutions ; second , the word " descend .
14 He fell into step beside her and they continued to walk in the same direction .
15 I had to sleep in the same room as loads of them on account of we said I was his secretary . ’
16 After Wordsworth 's marriage she continued to live in the same house ; in 1829 she became seriously ill , suffering from arteriosclerosis .
17 It was because the parties had all analysed the nature of the problem we had to decide in the same way that it was agreed at the outset of the hearing before us that the central question we had to answer was this : in what capacity are High Court judges sitting when they sit as visitors to the Inns of Court in disciplinary cases ?
18 Still the stitch continued to drop in the same area .
19 A day that had begun with the parade affirmation had to terminate in the same style .
20 Next morning , after a 9.15 breakfast , he discussed with Jones his ideas for a speech he had to make in a few weeks ' time at a Literary Fund dinner .
21 Maintaining initial capital intact would be useless if you wanted to remain in the same business .
22 If he categorically refused to work in the same Laboratory as Lorrimer , one of them would have to go .
23 Er I , I suppose if we 're going back something like forty , fifty years where people tended to live in the same area most of their lives , and their families in the area , people did n't move very far , they were probably born in an area , went to work in the area and died in the area .
24 They tended to move in the same circles and share many of the same values as the liberal nobility and progressively minded public opinion articulated by journalists , writers , professors , and students .
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