Example sentences of "[vb past] [to-vb] the [noun] that " in BNC.

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1 They resorted to terror and adventurism , for which there was no justification now that a powerful Social Democratic movement had taken shape , and they failed to acknowledge the leadership that must be exercised by the proletariat over the peasantry and the democratic movement as a whole .
2 He again failed to acknowledge the part that he could play in reducing the odds which are stacked against women and shackle them in the way that he described .
3 In the end there was long and controversial litigation , which nevertheless failed to establish the rights that Kagan sought .
4 The children could not keep away from the railway , and they soon got to know the trains that passed by .
5 As symbols of dominance , these displays demanded a spectacular setting , and soon every great city of the industrialized world possessed a museum whose cathedral-like setting helped to confirm the role that science had usurped as the source of moral authority in the modern world .
6 She tried to banish the thought that Zambia attracted trouble like a magnet , knowing it to be bad magick even to think that , but it was difficult not to .
7 The two hundred sheep jostled and complained and tried to jump the queue that stretched deep into an olive grove .
8 Hari quickly moved to the foot of the stairs , her head bent to hide the blush that warmed her cheeks .
9 Her head resting on her knees , she tried to contain the pain that was clenching her stomach muscles into a tight knot .
10 Kingfisher yesterday tried to counter the view that its 120p-a-share bid for Dixons is only a sighting shot .
11 Kingfisher yesterday tried to counter the view that its 120p-a-share bid for Dixons is only a sighting shot .
12 In describing the negotiations for Æthelred 's return from exile in 1014 , this says that the king was informed that no lord was dearer to them than their native lord , if he would govern them more justly ( rihtlicor ) than before , and that he then promised to remedy the things that they all hated .
13 Assorted pundits and government ministers have in recent times deliberately tried to create the impression that reducing interest rates is the main , or even the only , way to haul the British economy out of recession .
14 Chesarynth tried to swamp the thought that the box might be only a therapist 's tool .
15 Later on , I ventured to express the hope that one day he would perhaps visit my family in Merstham .
16 And the gospel said the record in which Pilate tried to escape the responsibility that was thrust upon him .
17 A long and somewhat rambling discussion followed during which the judge effectively tried to persuade the barrister that he must get up before the jury in order to say , ‘ in terms that the remark that you made was a remark which should not have been made and apologise , and you can say in terms that one of the reasons why it was a remark which should not have been made was that you had never seen the document ; you did not know what it contained . ’
18 At its second meeting , on 17 January 1857 , a majority of the members tried to persuade the tsar that he should allay suspicion and dampen expectations by pretending , in an edict , that he was planning no changes in the condition of the serfs .
19 Before the first Non-Aligned Summit in Belgrade , the Soviet media tried to persuade the Yugoslavs that the Warsaw Pact member countries ‘ have no military , naval or air bases in the territories of foreign states ’ , and that they ‘ exert constant efforts for the relaxation of international tension and the suppression of the hotbeds of military conflict created … by imperialist states ’ such as Suez .
20 J.P.G. Freeman credits them with a " modest " influence when they helped to persuade the Americans that agreement with the USSR was dependent on the exclusion of West Germany from direct control over nuclear arms .
21 Using so many spices helped to disguise the fact that the food was often far from fresh .
22 FDR also suffered from paralysis and tried to deceive the public that he could still walk .
23 It enables everyone involved to understand the Process that is going on , it makes it possible for grieving people to be looked after for a while , but not to sink into a chronic mourning state , because everyone knows when it is meant to be finished , and when the bereaved people are meant to pick up their responsibilities again .
24 ’ He tried to force the joviality that was usually so easy .
25 In the debate on the Queen 's Speech , foolhardy and complacent Ministers tried to foster the illusion that our training matched Germany 's .
26 Lissa gazed up at him , at his vexed expression , and tried to quell the smile that pulled at her lips .
27 Imagining the scene , poor Cindy hustled out to some waiting car with one of Cashman 's beefy paws grasping her arm like a manacle , Matthew tried to repress the thought that it might have been exactly to escape such strong-arm tactics that the beautiful Cindy had vanished , Matthew said , ‘ Why do you think she might have come here ? ’
28 You tried to stay the man that you had been ,
29 They helped to overcome the notion that many children had that bookshops were daunting places .
30 Hamilton tried to convince the assembly that this act was bad and was being disregarded by many .
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