Example sentences of "[vb past] [to-vb] this [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 She tried to relate this sudden vision of the things of the pieties of the Dodson sisters to Daniel 's Mum 's instructions about how to cook Christmas pudding , and largely failed .
2 But when Brahé tried to detect this predicted parallax with his instruments , which were the most accurate and sensitive ones in existence at the time , he failed .
3 Right , that 's it , that 'll do , I wo n't go any further and I can get the other things in well we had er , we had an aluminium friend , a double glazed enormous window over our landing and it was , the aluminium was so cold and it was conden there was so much condensation that we had a new window P V C put in , but I tried to sell this other window , cos it was beautiful you see , nothing wrong with it except you know , but nobody wanted it and I kept it and I had it for about two years standing outside and then I thought I can use that and I cut , it was a three section , three lots of glass all in one , cut down , divide it into two and one , and got myself a plant house under the erm
4 Roux 's results were published for the first time in 1888 : three years later I tried to repeat this fundamental experiment on another subject and by a somewhat different method , It was known from the cytological researches of the brothers Hertwig and Boveri that the eggs of the common sea urchin are able to stand well all sorts of rough treatment , and that , in particular , when broken into pieces by shaking their fragments , will survive and continue to cleave .
5 I was driving past and tried to stop this poor devil getting beaten up .
6 West Mercia Police tried to introduce this Israeli computer to monitor vehicle distance and speed .
7 Among others who came to support this good cause were the French Ambassador and Vicomtesse Luc de la Barre de Nanteuil , the Hon.
8 As I 'm sure you 'll understand , when I first came to see this awful situation I was consumed with a feeling of frustration — knowing , as I did then , that it could be some time before we 'd be in a position to intervene .
9 And when my father spoke about He got a holi they got a holiday from the school , that day , because the teacher came to see this old body going out the glen that 's body and they walked out , so it 'd be two miles out and then maybe another three miles up the er Glen Shee kirk here , so they had a good bit to carry him .
10 He seemed to find this next bit difficult to say .
11 True , all peasants still shared a common interest in the overthrow of the remaining traces of feudalism — including the tsarist regime itself — and the SR Party founded in 1901 came to express this common ground .
12 No-one deserved to win this uninspiring game !
13 Even the Yorkshire aristocracy seemed to share this carefree attitude to time .
14 In the later phase of Mrs Thatcher 's government , Britain was in danger of being rudderless as nothing very obvious came to succeed this older source of authority .
15 Over eight million people came to admire this new concept of an environment where everything was intended to lift the spirits .
16 Nevertheless , we still have international meetings planned to discuss this very matter .
17 However , when I took to hanging about in the new house , when I watched her while she chatted to her staff and guests , or entertained the local burghers , or genteelly remonstrated with her suppliers and various tradesmen over the phone , I began to see this seeming tact as an extension of that complicity I had long been aware of .
18 As the weeks went by , I naturally began to enjoy this new-found notoriety .
19 And Katherine began to like this young woman who swirled gracefully in front of the mirror .
20 A committee of seven bishops working with a team of 40 consultants began to draft this definite document in 1986 after Vatican criticisms of several local versions .
21 But in the years between Jane Austen 's death and the publication of Boz , the growth of interest in the actual past , promoted partly by the novels of Scott , began to disturb this peaceful co-existence by taking Gothic style more seriously — an alteration in attitude which can be illustrated by the difference between a Gothic novel like Udolpho , where ancient buildings are impressionistic , and an historical novel like Ivanhoe ( 1819 ) , rooted in fact and actual place .
22 To defy the man , to show him , he began to run this last lap .
23 The Faulks Committee failed to consider this unfair burden on the media , or to recommend the obvious reform that it should be borne by the plaintiff 's estate .
24 But Shevardnadze failed to endorse this neutral formula for Kampuchea for fear of straining Soviet-Vietnamese relations .
25 In ‘ Close Up ’ she manipulates colour with all the subtlety needed to re-create this elusive phenomenon on canvas .
26 When I decided to grant this private notice question , I took it to be a serious matter and I should like it to be taken seriously .
27 Norfolk has been for many years one of our Medau strongholds and it is for this reason that the Society decided to select this prestigious location .
28 There was a long silence , during which he decided to leave this unpromising subject .
29 The surface tension of a liquid is the minimum force needed to overcome this inward pull and thus expand the surface area .
30 What is certain is that Macmillan decided to ignore this powerful objection and acted ( as he had done in 1962 ) with utter determination and dispatch , making a definite recommendation of Home .
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