Example sentences of "[vb past] [to-vb] at the [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 So that was how I came to sit at the Gorengs ' dining-table with Master Goreng and Longman 's standard conversational texts before us .
2 The committee then adjourned to meet at the Blenheim coffee house , New Bond Street , on 1 2 January 1 79 1 .
3 A period of teacher training followed , after which Blamey returned to teach at the Regent Street Polytechnic where he remained , apart from a brief period during the war , until it combined with the Chelsea Polytechnic .
4 He plans to accompany Mr Major to his count in Huntingdon and will forgo the election night dinner he planned to host at the Mirabelle .
5 Well , when I was asked to speak to you today , I decided to look at the Oxford Dictionary 's definition of Community , which is joint ownership or liability .
6 We called at Penndon museum which was closed , but looks good , and then went to look at the Cholsey and Wallingford Railway which has plenty of rolling stock .
7 In fact , everybody seemed to be busy finding some job to help with the war effort , except Mum who continued to clean at the Gingold 's chip shop .
8 THE FIRST thing I had to do at the NME was draw a cucumber .
9 He wanted to arrive at the Stasis in a calm frame of mind ; he wanted to settle himself and prepare for it .
10 A year earlier Matisse had show his painting Le Bonheur de Vivre ( Barnes Foundation , Merrion , Penn. ) at the Salon des Indépendants , where it had received a great deal of attention , and during the winter of 1907 Derain was engaged in painting a canvas of bathers ( Museum of Modern Art , New York ) which he intended to show at the Indépendants of 1907 , so that it is possible that the Demoiselles may have been prompted by a spirit of rivalry .
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