Example sentences of "[vb past] [to-vb] at [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Mahmoud had a case that morning in the Mixed Tribunals and Owen wanted to send a letter to England so they agreed to meet at noon at the Post Office .
2 In the early days of the strike Jayaben Desai , perhaps Britain 's best known Asian trade unionist , described to me what it had been like when she came to work at Grunwick in the mail order department :
3 Stuart had told me that Aj ( whose name is short for Arnold Junior , after the Head Forester of whom he became the spitting image when he first came to work at Clumber as a woodsman ten years ago at the age of sixteen ) was a dab hand with a tractor .
4 His Aunt Lucy came to live at Howfield in order to look after Ramsey 's father and the family after Agnes Ramsey was killed .
5 Balfour came to stay at Petworth between the wars and I read a letter to him from another guest saying that she was sure that what they would both remember most about the visit was the intense cold of the house .
6 Charles came to stay at St-Martin in February 843 .
7 After a spell at Oriel College , Oxford , where he later claimed to have suffered a worthless and drunken tutor , he came to reside at Dumbleton on his grandmother 's death in 1690 and inaugurated a programme of rebuilding and improvement .
8 After Corrections I joined Picture Group in 1981 and for some reason I ended up doing a lot of work for them in the ghettos , guns , drugs and things like that ; it became my forte and I came to feel at ease in this kind of environment .
9 The nine verifiers , each of whom is responsible for general SVQs in a particular vocational area , met to look at issues concerning the additional assessment .
10 3T3 cells were grown as monolayers in flasks , collected by trypsinization and allowed to stand at 4°C for 2h before incorporation into reaggregates .
11 Isabel turned to look at fitzAlan before answering .
12 She turned to look at Alice over her shoulder .
13 He had the air of an aristocrat and as he turned to gaze at Blackberry from his great , brown eyes , Hazel began to see himself as a ragged wanderer , leader of a gang of vagabonds .
14 They turned into an alleyway off Friday Street and Cranston began to bellow at passersby for the whereabouts of Parchmeiner 's shop .
15 It also began to look at proposals for MA courses , and at its November 1966 meeting , for example , it expressed the view that a proposed MA in Business Administration at Portsmouth College of Technology did not meet the CNAA 's criterion that the content should be substantially postgraduate in character : too much of it was introductory work , insufficiently rooted in the basic disciplines .
16 In May 1960 the EEC began to look at ways of liberalising the movement of capital , and the following year issued the first regulations governing the existence of cartels .
17 But it was only when Susato began to publish at Antwerp in 1543 that their songs appeared in quantity and it was Susato who really launched Crecquillon with a book of 36 chansons à 4 parties in 1543 , though he had published Crecquillon 's greatest hit , ‘ Ung gay bergier ’ , in a miscellaneous collection the year before .
18 Following three years at Stonyhurst , he returned to teach at Manresa for a year , then went to study theology at St Beuno 's College in north Wales in 1874 .
19 Wine bottles began to cluster at tables like sentries .
20 Wycliffe began to feel at peace with himself and the world .
21 The French had , like the Old Pretender , lost faith in the strategy of the roundabout approach via Scotland or the south-west of England and now planned to land at Maldon in Essex , a mere 42 miles [ 67 km ] from London .
22 Details of the troop deployment were formulated by the Saudis and Dick Cheney , the US Defence Secretary , on Aug. 6 , and the next day Bush formally announced that King Fahd had requested that US ground forces and war-planes be dispatched to Saudi Arabia to deter Iraqi aggression ; US combat aircraft and troops started to land at Dharhan in eastern Saudi Arabia that day .
23 In 1884 , disenchanted with his life at Eton , Salt decided to live at Tilford in Surrey and concentrate on a simple life , following his many interests in the field of humanitarianism .
24 His wife , Jenny , decided to stay at home with their young child and to become more involved with the area 's social life .
25 By the 1920s , the French had lost their monopoly , but proceeded to work at Susa until the Islamic revolution of 1979 .
26 When he went to look at Anna before going to school her eyes were once more as blue as the sky , and she curled her fingers round his as if she did n't want to let him go .
27 In the United States , whale-watching is big business : 3.25m people went to look at whales in 1991 , bringing in revenues of nearly $100m .
28 Over by the volleyball court a crowd of older children gathered to look at postcards of Scotland ( always an icebreaker , particularly if you can find a picture of someone in a kilt ) .
29 The London Daily Telegraph of 25 August 1887 , under the heading " A Sailors ' Association " chose to deal at length with the birth of the union , praising its objects , but predicting its early demise : " The North Country " , the article read , " was always the nursery of the famous and best seamen and it is here that we find Jack hard at work originating a fine scheme .
30 He went to live at Stourhead after his mother 's death in 1742 , and over the next forty years he became a discriminating collector and patron of the arts , laying the foundations of an important library , but above all he transformed the landscape at Stourhead , creating the lake and the classical temples , which so vividly recall a Claudian idyll .
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