Example sentences of "[vb past] [to-vb] it [prep] [num] " in BNC.

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1 In 1336 , as on earlier occasions , a tax of 20s a sack had been agreed by an assembly of merchants , and in 1338 the merchants agreed to increase it to 40s .
2 I hit one six and then instead of just trying to hit a single from the next I tried to hit it for four and was out .
3 Cambridge liked undergraduates reading theology to have two years over the work and believed that if they tried to do it in fourteen months they would do it superficially , or else they would be sure to hurt themselves by overwork .
4 Scandals involving leading members helped to discredit it by 1925 .
5 They were given some money , and told to divide it into two accounts , one ‘ private ’ , one ‘ public ’ .
6 When he finally decided to publish it in 1678 , he defended its form by comparing the tactics of the hunt for souls with the way in which a fowler must whistle to attract birds , and a fisherman must tickle trout before he can clasp them .
7 The sellers gave the buyers a delivery note to enable them to collect the spirit from X. However , the buyers chose to keep it at X 's and did not come to remove it for some months by which time it had deteriorated .
8 Since only two of the churches , apart from St. Patrick 's , are big enough to hold 400 people , a proposal was put to the Congregational Church to host the service some time in 1993 and the Church of Scotland offered to consider it for 1994 .
9 It was supposed to take three to five days , but we aimed to do it in two .
10 we had to split it into two .
11 I had to use it for one of Andy
12 like that , no one knew , I was driving the car and I recorded everything that was in the car all night no one knew until the end of the night , I got the tape home , I go this is gon na be interesting I had to do it on one of my tapes though
13 I was to do the counting — up to a hundred ( I could n't count up to a hundred , I had to do it in tens ) and when I opened my eyes he 'd have disappeared .
14 Still the local commander attempted to retake it by one of those spontaneous counter-attacks , but Pétain now intervened , crying hold , enough .
15 We wanted to split it into three ,
16 He had one question left , and he wanted to put it to one or other of the children alone .
17 Lowering the tender took care and patience if they wanted to keep it in one piece .
18 We all had a solution and we all wanted to present it to one man alone " said Kambiz Atabai
19 British merchant banks had failed to see the enormous unfulfilled potential in Habitat and tended to regard it as one of those here-today , gone-tomorrow phenomena .
20 I intended to sub-contract it to one of my former students , a very , very skilful young man who had been with us on a fee-paying course for one year and then gone off and worked in a local workshop for another 18 months .
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