Example sentences of "[vb past] [to-vb] the [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The intention was always to develop the College as a learning community , which deliberately sought to emphasise the common experiences of working-class people through the full use of the residential setting by
2 In view of the commitment expressed by the US President , George Bush , to withdraw all US invasion forces from Panama by the end of February 1990 [ see p. 37177 ] , García agreed to attend the international drugs summit in Cartagena ( Colombia ) on Feb. 15 [ for which see pp. 37243-44 ] .
3 Despite Savimbi 's Nov. 17 commitment , UNITA failed to attend the multiparty talks on Nov. 21 , describing the meeting as a " circus " and citing fears for the security of its officials as the reason for its absence .
4 The steering group then expanded to include the chief executives of Gwynedd County Council and Targed and the regional director of Welsh Water .
5 At first the flats had been let to carefully chosen tenants and an attempt made to preserve the modest amenities ; the square of lawn bordering the road , the two rose beds , the hanging windowboxes on each of the balconies .
6 Auguste failed to see the hidden tensions and passions behind these simple manoeuvres ; to him it only signified that the banquet had acquired a reality .
7 You failed to connect the various elements together or to move through the detail to the larger issues of the painting .
8 The next day he called a halt to the anti-Suchinda rallies , but warned that they would be resumed if the government failed to implement the constitutional changes .
9 Durkheim sought to establish the scientific credentials of sociology by arguing that it should be concerned only with its own special order of " social facts " ; that is , those events and processes which possessed the qualities of externality , constraint and generality .
10 Mr Bill Loveluck-Edwards , voted best-dressed solicitor in town two years ago , failed to meet the high standards required by the bench in Bridgend , Mid Glamorgan .
11 However the Tatarstan authorities then failed to grant the necessary licences .
12 Thirdly , he encouraged health improvements in an effort to raise the standards of hygiene and sought to contain the sweeping epidemics that intermittently tore through the population .
13 For world trade was in serious decline and even the belated one-year moratorium on foreign debt payments , announced by Hoover in 1931 , failed to revive the ailing economies of Europe .
14 More important , the CGLI argued that the latest proposal from the DES would break undertakings given to it in 1973 , when it agreed to provide the administrative services for TEC , that the latter would be confined to technician occupations and would not be used as an instrument of government policy .
15 He soon got to know the other joggers of the district .
16 After the breakthrough with Chaman it still took two months of regular visits with Zakir before I got to know the other eunuchs properly .
17 It was the steady flow of student and ex-student recruits which brought into being and helped to sustain the radical circles , organizations and nation-wide parties of the revolutionary underground .
18 Some of his harshest condemnations were reserved for those who tried to evade the plain commands of God ( set out in the Old Testament law ) by means of merely human traditions , however venerable .
19 Surere was already looking sleeker , Huy thought , as he tried to banish the servile feelings which still rose to the surface when he found himself in the company of his former superior .
20 The voters , in other words , had not moved solidly to the right , their position was one of ambivalence ; they had become deeply sceptical about the role of government and yet they still expected government to aid them as they tried to meet the pressing problems of modern life .
21 The Habsburgs thus tried to isolate the various movements of national autonomy from their peasant base , and the Russian tsar did the same in Poland .
22 Moscow tried to encourage the non-aligned states to commit themselves in this region to the ‘ gradual curtailment of distinct forms of military-political cooperation … the non-creation of new forms of multilateral and bilateral alliances , the non-adoption of military functions by non-military regional organisations ’ .
23 In 1921 she helped to found the International Women 's Co-operative Guild .
24 In addition to regulating the lives of the Christian subjects of the Merovingian kings — and also to circumscribing the activities of the Jews , the one recognized religious minority in the kingdom — the bishops at least tried to monopolize the local centres and objects of devotion , which might have presented a focus of religious power outside their control .
25 She tried to find the right words to explain but discovered only a great disconnection between her brain and her voice , which ensured her silence .
26 As soon as the rain stopped they rushed to the old roofleaf beds and tried to find the old roots .
27 Thus he helped to pass the tedious hours of air travel during a world tour in 1946 by reading Bagehot 's The English Constitution .
28 Staring blankly at the rubble , all that remained of the cottage , she tried to remember the exact words Leo had used when he 'd given her the cheque .
29 The car rumbled about him … even more restful than the noise of train wheels in the old days ; he tried to remember the old days
30 Her back shrieked , and when she bent to serve the late-night customers with their breath of beer and Cinzano , her head swam .
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