Example sentences of "[vb past] [to-vb] [pers pn] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It was a post for which he was singularly unsuited and from which he removed himself or was gently pushed in September 1939 , but , though he failed to hit it off with the central committee , he did bring to the organisation the stamp of institutional legitimacy .
2 The 39-nation Conference on Disarmament meeting in Geneva on Sept. 3 adopted a draft treaty banning the use , production or stock-piling of chemical weapons , and agreed to pass it on for approval by the UN General Assembly .
3 Members agreed to pass it on to Durham County Council .
4 At a signal from Sybil , Rachel helped to coax them out of the water and into the changing-rooms where David was helping Danny to dress .
5 Members of a Cardiff ladies ' rowing club tried to pull her out of the mud , but found the current was too fast , and the bitch ( yes , she is called Eric ! ) , too heavy .
6 I went over to Sheridan to ask him to be quiet and he grabbed my wrist and tried to pull me on to his lap , and I overbalanced and fell and hit the table hard where he was sitting , and I caught the cloth somehow and pulled it with me and everything on it landed on the floor .
7 She laughed rather shrilly , grabbed his hands and tried to pull him up against her .
8 King Edward bent to pick it up amid suggestive laughter , declaring ‘ shame on him who thinks evil of it ’ , and prophesying that he would make it the most sought-after badge of honour in Britain .
9 I tried to clean it out with a trolley .
10 Dynamius tried to lock them out of the city , but he was tricked by Gundulf .
11 Poppy dissolved into a quivering heap when staff tried to lead her out of the cage , so they suggested that I tried .
12 When he did n't reply she felt something bad approaching and tried to ward it off with an apology .
13 The one who got shot in the chest when Special Branch and MIs tried to pick him up in Bayswater .
14 Gently we tried to talk him round to looking at things in another way .
15 Bob tried to talk him out of it when they were on their own , at the sandwich bar in the Gates .
16 Then she tried to talk me out of leaving — laid on the flattery with a trowel . ’
17 I had rehearsed all the routine for the South America job , then I just got a bit panicky ; the captain tried to talk me back into it .
18 Najma 's family tried to talk her out of a singing career as not quite suitable for a good Muslim girl , but she persevered and in 1984 won Britain 's Asian song contest on her first public appearance .
19 No we tried to talk her out of .
20 I tried to talk you out of it but nothing worked .
21 She tried to cover it up with a laugh .
22 All this happened in the twinkling of an eye and just as quickly I extricated myself from the upholstered prison , scraped up my hat and tried to bash it back into shape as I hobbled to retrieve a far-flung shoe .
23 In an attempt to remove the influence of the janissaries from Istanbul , where they naturally formed a powerful opposition to his reforms , Mahmud tried to buy them off by offering them a virtually free hand in garrisoning the remote provinces of the empire .
24 On each occasion , he became engaged in long disputes with local reporters , some of whom tried to jostle him out of the room .
25 ‘ I tried to play it down in the report . ’
26 ‘ I tried to persuade him out of it but he would n't budge .
27 He stopped to put it back on again , clamping it on his head and holding it there .
28 But as for putting poison in his wine , or setting a pitfall under his feet at a hunt — no , he 'd hew off the head of any man who tried to put him up to it .
29 She tried to put him out of her mind while she drove along and had almost succeeded when she pulled up outside the surgery and saw a car standing in the yard .
30 Er we always tried to put it over at er Everest product prices .
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