Example sentences of "[vb past] [to-vb] [adv prt] with [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 He kicked his st'lyan into a trot and rode to catch up with Kiku .
2 At the beginning of filming , the physical exertions began to catch up with Crawford , who needed injections in his left leg , which was hurting furiously .
3 He decided to put up with Tony and I in order to support our attempt to cross the interior plateau in winter , using ski parachutes to help our progress .
4 BITS OF Colourbox and AR Kane got to hang out with CJ Mackintosh the DJ plus conceptual obermeister / NME vet Dave Dorrell , and together they made a dance record that was different from everything before .
5 So congratulations to Bicester , after the game I managed to catch up with Colin Vynal who scored one of the goals , rather poor quality I 'm afraid , he was on a mobile phone erm a bit of celebration going on , but here 's Colin Vynal of the Bicester Rugby Club .
6 Spouse-less in Brighton , he managed to catch up with Angela Cartwright in the foyer of the Grand Hotel .
7 She never managed to meet up with Vivienne and , as there did n't seem to be much happening at Dingwalls , we decided to drive down to Brighton , all of us crammed into the back of the Mini van .
8 White thistle heads floated up my nose as I struggled to keep up with Duncan , his suspension forks making light work of the ruts and bumps on the ground .
9 ‘ Now I am refreshed and thrilled to team up with Murray and Kyle again . ’
10 Foreman agreed to link up with Stafford to give him the chance to attract another League club .
11 But this did n't necessarily mean , from my point of view , that we had to go around with Oliver .
12 They had to meet up with Nellie a great deal as she was supervising the school 's wardrobe .
13 They politely said goodbye , and Duncan left to catch up with Myeloski .
14 Gould had only a couple of weeks to spare here ( he had been delayed a week in Maitland on the lower reaches of the Hunter while he waited to meet up with Stephen Coxen ) , having promised Eliza to forsake his desire to continue collecting , and to return in time for the delivery of their child .
15 Whatever the reason , Dauntless bit his tongue and resolved to put up with Cleo Sinister .
16 ‘ As the full-time mother of pre-school twins , I just thought that I had to put up with Sam 's barely concealed fling with a neighbour , ’ says Tina .
17 For the next few minutes I had to put up with Sid 's reminiscences about how much worse it had been during the campaign in North Africa .
18 Thereafter we had to put up with Crewe elegantly stringing passes together while our overpaid boobies struggled .
19 Think of the effort that Professor Higgins had to put in with Eliza !
20 I put it back in the trunk , disappointed that there was nothing right for me to wear and wondering what I was going to do , for I wanted to go out with Sally .
21 She wanted to move in with Plummer , though .
22 With Regis and individual finalist David Grindley set to link up with Roger Black and Kriss Akabusi , there is every chance of a fascinating battle with the Yanks , who want revenge for their sensational defeat at the world championships in Tokyo .
23 What was destined to be the last series of operations of the desert war was another of Stirling 's grand concepts , intended to tie in with Montgomery 's attack on Tripoli and beyond into Tunisia which was to start on 15 January 1943 .
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