Example sentences of "[vb past] [to-vb] [pron] [noun pl] at " in BNC.

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1 But residents claimed they were ‘ horrified ’ by the plans for the building and promised to voice their fears at tonight 's meeting .
2 She had replayed in her mind what she had overheard , over and over again , and each time she tried to ignore his words at the end .
3 Then the nice soldiers on leave who came to stay with us-and silly but nice old Narodo , our second bearer , who always forgot to give us plates at meals ?
4 He began to unpack his things at once .
5 However , people of different social status began to limit their families at quite different times .
6 There is clearly an element of dramatic self-consciousness here , just as there is in Duncan 's account of his affecting the symptoms of old age — " he even started to cup his hands at remarks he could hear perfectly well " .
7 Betty is the front-of-house person with all the gregariousness needed to put her guests at ease and in the holiday spirit , whilst Victor is the ( trained ) chef .
8 er and of course I 've known Walter for years but I do n't know his wife , I 've never met his wife and of course not being able to get out into the street now , I should get out for about two years after I lost my husband and then I got this er awful pain nobody knows unless they have it er this arthritis in my knees , you see , and erm and then I found that it was too much for me to er otherwise I used to walk up to the post box road and I used to count the steps , three hundred and something steps there and three hundred and something back , you see , and to the front door , you see , but I , I ca n't do it now but I have with help and I went out last year with er Mrs and er twice we went to Dulwich which I enjoyed and so did she and the last time we went to and er we had our lunch and we went to see my cousins at West Suffolk and and , and then came home again , you see , and that 's the only time I went out last year and usually I used to go to for a day and I am hoping that if I , I am hoping , well you can only hope , that I might perhaps go so out one Sunday , once , just once in the , you see , because er , th that 's when when you 're old you 've got to keep , you 've got to hope for something
9 ‘ He went to set our minds at ease , ’ Benny 's father said .
10 Neither did the Emperor of Austria , who preferred to nurse his griefs at home .
11 Opinion polls showed that the charismatic Jackson would have won the contest easily , and thus removed the frequently heard criticism that he had never held elected office , but he stated that he preferred to concentrate his efforts at national level " to change the direction of this country " .
12 The team 's ball-item ( ‘ Sugar and Spice ’ ) would be the one in which they had to deposit their balls at the back of the stage , jump , turn and move downstage .
13 Still , he 's a married man , and his wife is in her seventh month , from what I hear : that 's why she had to send her apologies at the last moment …
14 Even the local reporter had to kick his heels at the lich-gate with the few inquisitive neighbours who had gathered .
15 Helen left her daughter with her mother while she continued to take her A-levels at sixth form college .
16 She had to clench her hands at her sides to stop their tell-tale trembling .
17 William himself survived , riding straight through a line of 40 grenadiers in a trench , who coolly stood to fire their muskets at him .
18 As many as eleven thousand people have been killed because they refused to break their eggs at the smaller end .
19 He refused to make his approaches at Nagasaki , a customary means of diverting troublesome foreigners , and presented the Japanese with what was effectively an ultimatum , demanding that some agreement be reached to cover the provisioning of US ships , the treatment of shipwrecked American sailors and the development of formal relations .
20 ( And the western Greeks tended to make their dedications at the nearest of the Greek sanctuaries of the mainland , Olympia , rather than creating or patronizing a big cult centre of their own , ) Fifth-century Italy and Sicily did produce historians , like Hippys of Rhegion , or Antiochus and Philistus of Syracuse , the ‘ Sicilian Herodotus and the Sicilian Thucydides ’ ; even Dionysius I , tyrant of Syracuse from the late fifth century to 367 , wrote history as well as the tragedies and comedies for which he was , as we shall see , more famous .
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