Example sentences of "[vb past] [to-vb] [art] end to " in BNC.

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1 Therefore , having forced them to pay yasak , she strove to put an end to war .
2 Students have accused Education Secretary John Patten of failing to understand their basic needs , after he pledged to put an end to automatic membership of the student 's union .
3 Mathew believed that the war was responsible for an upward trend in homosexual behaviour and , together with Herbert Morrison , a policeman 's son , Labour right-winger and Home Secretary in the Attlee Government , sought to put an end to it .
4 The Transvaal provincial authorities on Oct. 2 , 1989 , met with a " Soweto People 's Delegation " , which included Archbishop Desmond Tutu , Cyril Ramaphosa ( the general secretary of the National Union of Mineworkers — NUM ) and Albertina Sisulu , the wife of leading ANC member Walter Sisulu [ for whose release from prison in October 1989 see p. 36964 ] , and agreed to negotiate an end to the three-year rent boycott in the black township of Soweto , which included a partial write-off of nearly US$100,000,000 in accumulated rent arrears .
5 Edward returned from France determined to put an end to the rebellion .
6 Siding with the opposition in the 198-member Assembly , the dissidents sought to ensure an end to the military 's previous stranglehold on politics , which had ensured the routine re-election to the presidency of Gen. Alfredo Stroessner , dictator from 1953 until his removal by Rodríguez in a military coup in February 1989 [ see p. 36458 ] .
7 she decided to put an end to it as gently as possible .
8 He threw in a good job with an insurance company to go off with a woman and ended up , broke and heartbroke , in a cheap caravan site outside Fort Worth , where he decided to put an end to himself .
9 The FSLN decided to call an end to the civil disobedience campaign , and to join in the national dialogue , following the negotiations on Oct. 2 between Daniel Ortega Saavedra , the Sandinista leader , and Antonio Lacayo , a close adviser to President Violeta Chamorro .
10 It was Gloucester who chose to put an end to it .
11 It was Gloucester who chose to put an end to it .
12 Australia had been a whaling country until 1978 when an official enquiry , which was supported by all political parties , concluded that the public wished to see an end to whaling .
13 It was opposed by the renascent claims of the Provincial Juntas as direct representatives of the sovereign people ; by conservatives and malcontent grandees who hoped to put an end to Junta government altogether ; by the emergent power of the generals whose incipient Caesarism was represented by Palafox and Cuesta , both of whom were intriguing for political power .
14 It had been Christmas when she finally knew she had to call an end to it , before the relationship destroyed her completely .
15 She also wanted to put an end to any sexual intercourse with her husband , though formerly both he and she had had great enjoyment from it .
16 Judge Frossard , it seems , wanted to put an end to the inertia .
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