Example sentences of "[vb past] [to-vb] [adj] [num] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In 1992-93 , Trainload Freight expected to carry 18.35 million tonnes of freight for PowerGen , but that figure is now likely to be as high as 19.6 million tonnes .
2 The showpiece projects are the Concord Centre and Glass City expected to attract two million visitors and 2,000 jobs .
3 A similar study in 1974 failed to find any two year old fish breeding .
4 In 1988 the production of a second model from the plant was supported by a £25 million grant , which helped to provide another 1,400 jobs .
5 Driver Alfred Ridley , 50 , helped to lead all 34 passengers from the Sunderland area including 17 invalids from the vehicle .
6 In July , the CEGB announced that it proposed to retrofit three 2000 MW power stations with FGD between 1988 and 1997 .
7 The Scottish League management committee yesterday came out officially against the idea of a winter shut-down , but promised to canvass all 38 member clubs for their views .
8 Tiles were the ro making the tiles was a major operation because erm when they first tried to make the tiles they tried they dug a hole big hole at Rawcliffe and they they tried to make forty thousand tiles , line them all up in the pit and they brought something like forty tonnes of dry wood chippings from the erm saw mills in er forest but they could n't quite get it hot enough so the whole lot had to be thrown away do again .
9 Coal reserves have also expanded worldwide , with Britain 's contribution expected to last several hundred years .
10 After 20 years and about 70 such schemes , the Reagan administration began to deploy 50 MX missiles in the old Minute-man-3 silos in Wyoming .
11 It had gradually enlarged and began to leak some six weeks before his death and was heralded by the onset of headaches .
12 AT&T Co says 10,000 business customers agreed to switch toll-free 800 service worth $140m to the company : a sales blitz brought over 34,000 sales from existing customers in the last seven weeks , AT&T said ; total value over the terms of all contracts will reach over $2,000m .
13 Johnson 's fourth three-pointer and two shots from Gardner put Giants 80-75 ahead , but then Baskerville Holmes found Gerald Lee unmarked under Giants ' basket and the home team needed to find another four points .
14 However , Mikoian was favourably impressed with the enthusiasm and commitment of the Cuban revolutionaries and , on 13 February , he signed a trade agreement , by which the Soviet Union undertook to buy 5 million tons ( m.t. ) of sugar over five years , 20 per cent of which was to be paid for in hard currency and the remainder in Soviet goods , including 6 million barrels of oil per year .
15 D'Arcy decided to let that one ride .
16 In fact let's say you hired a small engineering company , and I manufactured widgets , and I needed to manufacture one thousand widgets a week by four o'clock on Friday .
17 Why at this point in time , has Saddam Hussein decided to release these three men ?
18 Domestically he needed to integrate twelve million refugees into German society and to demonstrate the benefits of the ‘ social market ’ over the SPD 's preference for nationalisation .
19 I checked the documentation which implied that a 2Mb version of this machine needed to have all four SIMM sockets occupied for it to work .
20 So he decided to add another fifteen knots to the approach speed and give it a go .
21 After a few minutes she decided to take another two tables and then continued taking two at a time until she had swallowed about 30 .
22 The tribunal was told that , following a review , the company decided to make redundant 16 drivers at the quarries it operated in the East Midlands .
23 I managed to secure all three volumes and also a copy of the Miracles of our Lord , and learnt much about prayer , and trust in God .
24 Two of those people were then able to bring their score up to nineteen and one managed to answer all twenty questions .
25 But while a cruise across the Mediterranean with Clive Kemp had posed no problems at all , the very thought of being alone on a boat with Nathan Bryce for however long it took to sail two thousand miles brought her out in a cold sweat and turned her insides to jelly .
26 Nathan managed to squeeze that one word through his clenched teeth .
27 In fact , one particular evening we managed to get all twenty-one residents across there , plus some of the people from the Lodge and we had a lovely evening .
28 And erm I managed to get one twelve months after and that was an Austin ten .
29 However , lots of people did give very generously , and we managed to raise several thousand pounds for research and education on arthritis .
30 It seemed simple enough at the outset … vegetarian author Rebecca Hall offered to pay ten thousand pounds to any farmer willing to live like a battery chicken for a week .
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