Example sentences of "[vb past] [v-ing] [prep] some [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I 've also recently purchased an effects processor ( BOSS SE50 ) and as most of the patches for the guitar were boring , I started experimenting with some of my own .
2 He started looking at some of the nearby pillars and columns , his boots scraping on the glass slabs of the floor as he moved .
3 It was about then [ three years ago ] that I started going with some of my mates like Kevin(10) and Eddie(6) … and Eddie and me we got into a lot of fights and that … and the fucking coppers — they always grab either him or me when there 's any bother or that .
4 And he started playing through some of the songs from my club repertoire , answering my enquiring look with , ‘ I worked with you a couple of years back , in East Dean Working Men 's Club . ’
5 But I think probably the most disturbing was some of the poor people in , in psychiatry erm and er that was very hard work because you seemed to take the problems home with you and you kept thinking about some of the conditions that people had .
6 Papa did n't know what to do , and then he got talking to some of his cronies , and he decided on a Grand Scheme .
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