Example sentences of "[vb past] [det] the right [noun] " in BNC.

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1 She wrote back most warmly and sympathetically — and on one sheet of writing paper made all the right points .
2 A thing that worried me all through the deliberations … was this : supposing we made all the right recommendations and supposing the Government gave effect to them in legislation , how long would it be before the judges turned everything upside down ?
3 Canadian rocker Bryan Adams marked his Irish return with a supreme performance which included all the right ingredients for a rock spectacular — excellent songs deftly delivered , massive and well-orchestrated lighting arrangements and , most importantly , one of the most enthusiastic crowds ever seen at the R.D.S.
4 The colonel knew all the right people to approach , and every time Ryan submits the plans they put a stop to them .
5 This was a deal where Andy Robson , playing with John Pottage for Britain , did all the right things .
6 Charles did all the right things with the glass of Cognac before taking a good swig .
7 He is a bright , intelligent young lad and he did all the right things .
8 Although she quickly did all the right things : alerting the police , the coastguard and Dr Forman , Harriet Tremayne knew that she would never see her daughter again .
9 He did all the right things and so I had a way out .
10 Oh , they said how heroic he was and the headmaster said all the right things at the school memorial service .
11 The explorer said all the right things to Mr Major .
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