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1 Welch is the first to admit that when the Theatre Royal opened in 1982 it was widely regarded as a white elephant , which quickly became little more than a stopping off point for second-rate touring products .
2 The third National Government followed upon the resignation of the Liberal ministers and of the free trader , Snowden , in September 1932 , after which it became little more than a Conservative government , with the adhesion of a few ex-Labour and Liberal politicians , all owing their seats to an electoral pact with the Conservatives .
3 A settlement was reached in 1972 , but in the 1980s , as the devolution of power to the south became little more than a façade and the economic situation deteriorated , the separatist movement re-emerged .
4 In so far as it reached out beyond the rather eccentric sect of the Comtist ‘ Religion of Humanity ’ , positivism became little more than a philosophical justification of the conventional method of the experimental sciences , and similarly for most contemporaries Mill was , again in the words of Taine , the man who had opened up ‘ the good old road of induction and experiment ’ .
5 Within the Council there were no surprises or novelties about the Committee of Ministers : with each state having one vote and a veto , it became little more than an intergovernmental conference of foreign ministers meeting twice yearly .
6 At her worst — which is to say , when her performances , all crust and no bread , seemed little more than a rash of mannerisms — she could strike one as impossibly tic-ridden and implausible .
7 In the eyes of a deckhand in his twenties who joined the " Sunderland Union " in the days of John Beresford and who was already a member of the Australian Seamen 's Union , it seemed little more than a " miscellaneous collection of beards and whiskers " including " old greybeards of sixty , seventy and eighty years of age , with little idea of how to conduct business " , who " reflected the pessimistic outlook of their leaders , supposing that everything was wrong and that nothing could be put right " .
8 As the music powered into focus , it suddenly seemed much more than a mere backdrop for Morrissey 's lyrical diatribes .
9 Whereas for Marxist-Leninists , the nationalization of property in the hands of a workers ' State ensured that through the institutions which represented them — the State , the party , the soviets and the trade unions — the working masses were now in command , for libertarians this represented little more than a ‘ change of guard ’ .
10 Most of the 400,000 people who turned out to watch saw little more than a few sparks over the Scheldt .
11 The room contained little more than a long wooden table covered with lino , a barber 's chair that had been slightly modified to accommodate dental patients , another deep earthenware sink , and a basketwork bed — mounted on what looked like pram wheels — for patients forced to lie supine .
12 Dean , an early influence on anyone of Jack 's age , had little more than a year left of his life and was in regular attendance in 1954 , which was also the year Marlon Brando made it very big indeed in another Kazan film , On the Waterfront .
13 He had little more than a week , as his intention was to return to Jalo by 10 January .
14 Some did let it grow of course , but untold millions had little more than a short back & sides an extra 3 weeks on — if you see what I mean .
15 After losing power and suffering a humiliating defeat in the 1988 elections , he had little more than a spoiling role , thwarting attempts to dislodge him from the presidency of the Pakistan Moslem League , Pakistan 's oldest political party .
16 Brezhnev died in November 1982 , his successor , Yuri Andropov lasted little more than a year , and Konstantin Chernenko survived only until March 1985 .
17 Changes in content and style — ‘ news ’ was now moved to the front pages , there were briefer stories , news stories grew in importance as ‘ opinion and commentary ’ lost favour , different typographical styles were used to attract readers and make newspapers less severe — reflected much more than a mere process of ‘ modernization ’ .
18 The writings of one of the great visionaries of the period , the Jesuit Pierre Teilhard de Chardin , were not allowed to be published and he remained little more than a name , if even that , to all but a few scholars .
19 The Lyons course was scheduled to last four years , but few pupils stayed much more than a year .
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