Example sentences of "[vb past] [vb pp] for a [det] " in BNC.

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1 I 'd hoped for a little money , at the very most , a thousand .
2 She hoped it would throw Maurin off guard , persuade him she had come for a little of his flirtatious conversation at the least , a few more questions about Durance and Sabine Jourdain at the most .
3 Although aware he was an android , she had thought for a few seconds before removing her clothes .
4 This brought the number of District Geologists in Edinburgh up to 3 , a repetition of the situation which had existed for a few years in the 1920s .
5 The branch line had survived for a few years as a single line until its final demise .
6 After the action had lasted for a few minutes , County Inspector Meharg , through a loudhailer , ordered : ‘ The police will hold their hands , please . ’
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