Example sentences of "[vb past] [vb pp] [adv prt] of [adj] " in BNC.

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1 They bought me three years ago when I got dropped out of Mars-U before my geology finals .
2 I got fed up of all that daft nonsense .
3 Yet every time I thought I 'd broken out of that cage you pushed me back again . ’
4 But , yes , it was in front of the Ministry of Defence , and he 'd jumped out of one of the windows .
5 I 'd got out of that because by the time I got home she was gone .
6 The South Sussex team was also more than compensated by the rock solidarity of a boy called Paul Hedley at back , and the dazzling Sherwood brothers , Randolph and Merlin , who 'd pulled out of high goal polo for a fortnight to piss it up with the Pony Club .
7 I did fucking , I did five years of normal paperwork and plus for the last three years I did double as well cos I got kicked out of french , so I was in metal work like , four hours of metal work every week the last three three years and , cos I was like nine times out of ten I was the only bloke there , the er , the er metal work teacher got on really well , he was showing me all sorts of stuff and I never got to do the actual metal work lesson
8 Amanda Farrar ( got thrown out of three independent schools , so forced to come to our place ) gets Mr Beddowes to simper and smarm to Dinwiddie about her deprived childhood .
9 Entering the small church at Chivay at the head of the Colca Canyon , children had jumped out of two alcoves and run off laughing .
10 The Cold War had developed out of mutual suspicions , particularly over the German problem ( CORE , pp. 81–7 ) , and also out of misunderstandings .
11 Although some of them were just small farms which had developed out of native settlements , others were country houses at the centres of large estates .
12 These latter had fallen out of traditional summer grazing use during the present century and official encouragement ( mainly through SAFER — Societe d'Amenagement Foncie et d'Etablissement Rural ) has been given to establishing farmers ' associations for their re-use by cattle .
13 I had dropped out of regular English teaching and set up a special-needs unit in the school .
14 In those days , it seemed to me that released hostages had come out of deepest , darkest Africa .
15 She was wearing the huge red skirt she had made out of some curtains someone had sent to the jumble , and a black polo-necked jersey , and she had tied her hair up with the Indian scarf Luke had given her for Christmas .
16 And indeed , the habit had grown up of issuing acts of revocation well after the minorities were in practice over , at the age of twenty-five ; James V was so scrupulous on this point that his was announced in Rouen , where he was on his twenty-fifth birthday .
17 You do n't have to read the book , it 's rubbish , but I mean you can just say , if you remember the title , The Imperial Presidency , here was a view that the presidency had become dominant , the presidency had grown out of all proportion to the intentions of the founding fathers and needed to be reined back .
18 The controversy over affiliation had grown out of all proportion , driving the party into an isolation which neither its leaders nor its members really desired .
19 Many people argued that , as the polytechnics had moved out of local government , two separate funding bodies made little sense and hindered the development of an integrated system of higher education .
20 I had acted out of good faith and in terms of what I thought were the best interests of my client .
21 ( I thought I had got out of this by saying it was a firm 's car park so it would be the same four drivers . )
22 Zoe had opted out of all domestic commitments .
23 A temporary repair was made and they flew on to Karachi , where the damage was found to be worse than at first suspected , as the fastenings had pulled out of one of the fuselage verticals .
24 They only saw him : it was very sudden , just as if he had materialized out of thin air .
25 The very mention of his name caused her to tremble , and in his company she had the curious sensation that her feet and her nose had enlarged out of all proportion .
26 There were no photographs of her in the house in King Street , and the photographs Stephen had seen he had wrested out of old Mrs Naulls .
27 Western Europe had wriggled out of that one by the end of the 11th century .
28 Not only ordinary citizens but the savings banks were caught unawares by the decree , and there were chaotic scenes at bank branches as distraught pensioners found that cashiers had run out of lower denomination notes , and had not been issued with the new Rbs50 and Rbs100 notes .
29 Harold , rather forgetful of his purpose , proceeded to upbraid the guests in a positively violent fashion and then , when he had run out of personal ammunition , he said to Haines , ‘ Joe , tell them of any specific complaints that we have .
30 Slatter and his friend , Robert James , had run out of ready cash and had resorted to begging with menaces from the more vulnerable customers .
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