Example sentences of "[vb past] [vb pp] [prep] [noun] at " in BNC.

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1 There , Emerson made a superb start but got caught in traffic at the first left-hander .
2 Birmingham City 's Peter Crawford , who claimed a ‘ school record ’ for the number of suspensions from Mirfield Secondary School , was taken , along with other pupils , to the then Aston Manor Club ( now Aston Villa ABC ) by ‘ a school teacher called Kane who 'd boxed for Ireland at one stage ’ .
3 Andrew , 27 , explained : ‘ We 'd gone to bed at about midnight .
4 And erm he 'd gone to sea at a very early age and had er both steam and sail and you k I 've given you his history , er and he was quite a fellow .
5 Morse had immediately picked up a copy of The Times , and proceeded to hold this newspaper like a crusader flaunting his emblazoned shield as he 'd stood beside Hodges at the check-out .
6 The Shah subsequently told the Israeli foreign minister , Abba Eban , that he had jumped for joy at Nassers gemmulation victory .
7 By 1930 , more than 500 students had enrolled in classes at some twenty-six rural centres .
8 Some papers later reported that he had stopped for tea at the Ritz but this unlikely frivolity was angrily and officially denied .
9 There were other , smaller tasks which he wished to complete : when he had finished the play , he planned to revise for publication the lectures which he had given on education at the University of Chicago .
10 Fowler , who had fallen into bed at four in the morning , agreed ; if this morning 's papers were any guide , the Party conference had given the appearance of a nightclub crossed with a football riot .
11 The move came after three councillors from Stanley had resigned in protest at the council 's reversal of a vote to exclude from a £500,000 soil improvement grant farms owned by the Falkland Islands Company , which dominated the economy .
12 According to the Far Eastern Economic Review of June 20 , Lin had resigned in protest at the advocation of Taiwanese " separatism " by the party 's vocal New Tide faction .
13 Kinga , himself a southerner , said that he had resigned in protest at the government 's intention to " Islamicize " the south and also at the " persecution " of " hundreds of thousands of displaced southerners " in the region around Khartoum .
14 A French radio report of Dec. 15 said that the Education Minister , Muhammad Abdullah al-Jayfi , had resigned in protest at the government 's handling of the economy .
15 More recently , in Mary Tudor 's reign , the family had come into favour at court because of its reputation for piety and loyalty to the Church , and Sir Gregory had been able to build a new house on the site of the old .
16 She was therefore at some pains to explain that the only reason she had come into Perugia at all was because of an appointment with Ivy Cook , of all people , who had telephoned her earlier that morning .
17 Assad 's message had been endorsed publicly by the Libyan leader Col. Kadhafi as showing " unmistakable pan-Arab commitment " ; Assad as well as President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt and the Sudanese leader Gen. Bashir had met with Kadhafi at Misratah in Libya on Jan. 3 .
18 The couple had met as teenagers at an evening class in 1949 , at Penge .
19 Magrath was a police psychologist , and they had met in Rome at an international conference on violent crime .
20 Darwin was a member of the landed aristocracy who had flirted with theology at Cambridge before becoming a highly respected naturalist .
21 Isabel 's gaze skittered nervously past them to the two men-at-arms , now held at the end of a very businesslike sword attached to the hand of the young man she had seen with Guy at the church .
22 Earlier that evening we were visited by Brigadier Mills Roberts , accompanied by several senior Officers , whom I had seen on occasion at Petworth in Sussex ( Commando Group Headquarters ) .
23 Emily 's mind was partly on the enjoyable walk she had taken with Heinrich , who had unexpectedly proved a most delightful companion during the week ; partly on the bright green foulard dress she had seen on sale at Bobby 's in Margate yesterday when they visited the famous menagerie at the Grand Hall by the Sea , and partly it was on the coming evening .
24 The scheme bore the unmistakable stamp of Kurt Hahn and his trust system that Charles had seen in operation at Gordonstoun .
25 Smith saw the opportunity to do for books what Jack Cohen had done for groceries at Tesco 's — ‘ Pile 'em high and sell 'em cheap . ’
26 ‘ You would n't feel that I was letting you down if I did n't go to veterinary college ? ’ she asked — and felt the happiest she had done in weeks at his reply .
27 She did not understand how Oliver could be so calm after what he had said about Dad at the end of the party .
28 There is so much in this strain that some of Andrewes ' biographers have tended to suggest that he was tormented by shame for the compromises which he had made with evil at Court and above all for his actions in the Essex divorce .
29 It seemed very important just then to remember exactly what she had felt for Anthony at the beginning .
30 The Associated Press news agency reported on May 23 that Hoang Van Hoan , a former member of the CPV politburo who defected to China in 1979 [ see p. 29876 ] , had died in exile at the age of 86 .
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