Example sentences of "[vb past] [vb pp] [prep] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 We know that if we started to challenge everything we should end up like the centipede that became paralysed through analysis of the movement of its many legs .
2 Like the other Pyrenean divisions , Béarn is medieval ; this was once the largest of the furiously independent mountain states , a viscounty which came into existence as early as 820 , was at different moments of its history the vassal of Aragon and England , became joined by marriage with the powerful viscounty of Foix and with Basse-Navarre , and finally , when Henri IV , ‘ le grand Béarnais ’ , became king of the whole of France in 1589 , was integrated with the Crown .
3 Company A , dealers on the Metal Exchange , knowingly assisted an employee of the plaintiffs to engage in fraudulent trading , the result of which was that Company A became exposed to liabilities of more than £6.5m .
4 Acres of newsprint and countless hours of air time became filled with elucidations on the new technology , some of them distinctly bizarre .
5 The cave was formed some time during the early part of the Pleistocene , over one million years ago , and it became filled with sediment during the middle Pleistocene approximately 350 to 400 thousand years ago .
6 The symptoms she endured varied from month to month , worsening or improving according to the circumstances of her life at the time .
7 Benefits realised varied from site to site , but ranged from a doubling of throughput per week at a cost more than halved , through to a headcount reduction of one third .
8 She stared down at the frothing white surf that slid past the ship 's side and fell into a reverie in which imaginings of her future life became mixed with memories of past days at Ballingolin .
9 There , Emerson made a superb start but got caught in traffic at the first left-hander .
10 Because of this he often failed to bring about cures and eventually became disillusioned with hypnosis as a form of therapy .
11 Many clients became disillusioned with search in the 1970s , receiving some indifferent service and assuming that all headhunters were the same ; this view is rapidly disappearing in the 1980s , although many search practices current during the Big Bang gave search a bad name , such as wholesale movement of trading and broking teams , for instance .
12 Included in the exhibition will be a Kakiemon group of wrestlers , until recently used as a door-stop ; a selection of sixteenth- and seventeenth-century jewels found hidden under sawdust in bakers ' trays ; a small seventeenth-century Italian ivory copy of Bernini 's ‘ Apollo and Daphne ’ group and a silver penstand by Phillip Syng who designed the penstand used in the signing of the Declaration of Independence .
13 ‘ Missing Eccentric Scientist found stabbed to death in doorway . ’
14 The semantic net has been studied and modified based on principles of analogical inheritance .
15 Every one of the bream we caught weighed within 2oz of 4lb , the biggest at 4lb 2oz and the smallest at 3lb 14oz .
16 Detectives are urgently appealing for help to track down the murderer of an elderly man found beaten to death in the pet shop where he worked .
17 Detectives are urgently appealing for help to track down the murderer of an elderly man found beaten to death in the pet shop where he worked .
18 THE LAST movements of a financial consultant found battered to death with a claw hammer in a quiet village are to be reconstructed today .
19 Derek Fleming , the father of Linda Fleming found battered to death in West Yorkshire , has been charged with her murder .
20 The leaflet to which he referred published by AA in the North-East was about blood sports rather than vivisection .
21 In 1925 , on reading The High History of the Holy Grail , she realized that the places mentioned corresponded to sites in the Vale of Avalon , Somerset .
22 The king also had power when he died and therefore the Ba became connected with death in a somewhat different form and was linked with private individuals form the end of the Old Kingdom .
23 Only a few years after the war the arts became separated from ideology in a way that enabled both artistic practice and theory to gain so-called independence .
24 It was in the gloaming on Thursday that the brave young fellow 's father became alarmed by reason of his son not returning , and the distressed parent went to see a neighbour .
25 There was always a hunger for newspapers and magazines ( usually preferred to books ) and he 'd heard of baptizers in Patashoqua who named children by stabbing a copy of the London Times with a pin and bequeathing the first three words they pricked upon the infant , however unmusical the combination .
26 The island aromas also came tinged with scents of the dark unconscious .
27 He 'd flown into Staverton in Glocestershire with his fifteen year-old daughter specially for the concert .
28 She 'd flown to Corfu in the hope that an English boy might be her lad Ben , who disappeared 14 months ago .
29 She seemed fascinated by Benjamin as if he was telling some mysterious tale on a cold winter 's night and she was a spectator , not a party to it .
30 David Harper , from Uckington , no relation to the twins , who 'd been with Rebecca , and Wisdom Smith , who was with Emma , both told the police they 'd jumped from bales of blazing straw .
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