Example sentences of "[vb past] [vb pp] [verb] [adv prt] the " in BNC.

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1 Need to exactly find out before I knew I 'd got mucked up the whole thing and ca n't send there back either .
2 Well , I 'd started going down the nick .
3 Then he give up , he got , you know , older and we bought the pony off him and she was used to rounds , you see , and she was used to pulling , after you 'd started going down the Fen she knew all the places .
4 When he 'd managed to count down the numbers and identify the exact address that she 'd named , he felt something go cold inside him .
5 Dimly doing her best to remember what they 'd taught her at school , Diane believed that she 'd managed to work out the map reference by the time that Ross Aldridge arrived at the Hall .
6 Finally she felt compelled to pick up the conversation , make some pretence at normality .
7 Papa and Mama , informed , were coming over , the lawyers had gathered to draw up the marriage settlement , everything seemed set fair .
8 The Germans had intended blowing up the cellars of Champagne before retreating , but on 28 August 1944 they were caught napping as General Patton and his 3rd Army swept into Épernay .
9 Suddenly the night had erupted into a confusion of fire , noise and light , as first the house had erupted in flames and then five heavy vehicles had come roaring up the twisting driveway , headlights blazing .
10 As I recall , I had conveyed a plea to Miss Kenton for assistance — via a messenger , naturally — and had left M. Dupont sitting in the billiard room awaiting his nurse , when the first footman had come hurrying down the staircase in some distress to inform me that my father had been taken ill upstairs .
11 This had to be her mother 's bed , she surmised , and the doctor had forgotten to draw back the curtains .
12 I thought the doctor had forgotten to draw back the curtain , and I was just about to do it when I heard his voice .
13 In April 1945 , Truman 's government played host to representatives from 50 countries at San Francisco who had met to draw up the Charter for the United Nations .
14 Reports in early March had indicated that the IAEA had sought to play down the significance of a recent report submitted to the UN in which it was claimed that Iraq was offering " better co-operation " to IAEA inspectors .
15 They had threatened to blow up the plane unless their demands for the release of political prisoners were met , but the deadline of 6pm passed without incident .
16 The hijackers , who had threatened to blow up the aircraft , surrendered to Thai authorities in the early hours of Oct. 7 ; none of the 79 passengers or four crew was injured .
17 In the meantime various troubles had flared up throughout the world -America had become involved in Korea ; France was involved in both Algiers ( who were seeking independence ) and Indo-China ; whilst Britain became involved in retaliation against the Egyptian government which had threatened to take over the Suez Canal .
18 The restoration of the monarchy , he said , would bring back the communism and anarchy which had threatened to take over the country before the Civil War .
19 Just before that vote Fianna Fáil and the Progressive Democrats , the junior coalition partner , had reached agreement on tax reforms which had been the subject of three months of negotiation and which had threatened to bring down the government .
20 Also in January I reported that the Queen had decided to give up the bottle .
21 It was also reported that the Governor of Sokoto had decided to take up the issue with the federal authorities in Lagos .
22 Albert Popple had decided to go down the Lamb and Flag after walking round the block several times .
23 However , by the end of May , the Russian government had decided to pull out the troops .
24 The USA had moved to send out the invitations only after the Israelis and the Arabs had failed to agree on a time and venue .
25 He had offered to top up the money he had given her before by another twenty pounds and she had accepted with polite reluctance .
26 The artillery officer wondered why no one had thought to blow up the bridge which crossed the River Sambre in the centre of the town , but he supposed there must be fords close to Charleroi which would have made the destruction of the fine stone bridge into a futile and even petulant gesture .
27 By the time I had been an intern for a few more months , doing my rounds in my white coat with stethoscope dangling round my neck ( and feeling very important ) , Father had had to close down the second branch , leaving — for the time being — only the original shop which he had opened near the Market Place where the annual Goose Fair was held .
28 ( God , or the Deity , existed because somebody had had to work out the mathematics in the first place . )
29 Her exhausted captain had had to hand over the wheel to Arthur and for eight days he was scarcely relieved .
30 As a favour to the Presbyterians and other religious leaders who had helped bring about the restoration , some were made king 's chaplains , including Dr. Calamy , Dr. Manton , Richard Baxter and nine others .
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