Example sentences of "[vb past] [be] [verb] [noun pl] for " in BNC.

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1 It is a work that could have been written by a man who 'd been writing operas for twenty years and it introduced me to Ben 's remarkable sense of theatre .
2 said they 'd been recording things for her wanting to see what she does see when she 's old .
3 One of the few problems Julie and her husband faced was choosing tiles for the splashback .
4 The Mass offered was to include prayers for the ‘ happy state and safety ’ of their Majesties Philip and Mary , of George and John Dakyn and other benefactors of John Dakyn and the hospital during their lives , and for the repose of their souls after death .
5 The first step they took was to estimate figures for national income after the war , so that the scale of spending necessary to raise employment could be estimated .
6 Acting Navy Secretary Sean C. O'Keefe , Garrett 's successor , announced at a press conference on Sept. 24 that Williams and Gordon had been granted requests for early retirement , while Davis had been reassigned to another post .
7 I have been following with interest the Gardeners ' World programmes where Nigel Colborn had been designing a new garden , especially when he had been using plants for the shady corner .
8 I had been freelancing reviews for NME , but always sent them by post , when the very nice man at Sounds poached me to go and do nice juicy features .
9 Our club members had been knitting cushions for charity and at the beginning of question time Georgie asked if she could tell the story of her cushion .
10 A woman who knew her told the court the girl had been abusing solvents for some time .
11 Although he had been writing letters for months he was still only a quarter of the way through the names beginning with ‘ A , .
12 I have never known anyone work like it — and I discovered today that she had been writing articles for the Clarion Cry at midnight on top of everything else she did in the house .
13 Fox set up New World Pictures to make British films , and Columbia Pictures engaged Irving Asher , who had been making quickies for Warners , to initiate a production programme that led to such interesting pictures as The Spy in Black ( 1938 , U-Boat 29 in US ) and Q Planes ( 1939 , Clouds Over Europe in US ) , both of which tapped into contemporary anxieties about the prospect of war .
14 One day , after he had been having lessons for some time , his father was called away by the boss : there was a horse in the ditch : it had gone to sleep on the edge and had rolled upside down into the ditch and could n't get out .
15 In recent years there had been growing calls for a reform of the federal system of government , which it was argued led to costly duplication between federal , state and territorial authorities .
16 There had been growing demands for Yeltsin to resign as Prime Minister .
17 The sturdily independent high tech sector had naught for the comfort of either major party in the run-up to today 's by-election in Newbury , Berkshire when the big guns from party headquarters showed up for photocalls during the build-up : Labour chose Vodafone Group Plc and tried to commiserate about the recession , only to be told that business had been going gangbusters for several months , the Tories went looking for green shoots at Micro Focus Plc , only to be told that the UK market was flat on its back , and that it was only foreign sales that were keeping the old Coboller busy .
18 We had been exchanging enthusiasms for Italian opera and I was enticed by his collection of Caruso recordings .
19 To the end — or at least to his testimony in Poindexter 's trial , in 1990 — Reagan maintained he did not believe that he had been trading arms for hostages .
20 It was the most important day in both their lives although at this stage all they considered was writing songs for other performers .
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