Example sentences of "[vb past] [conj] in [art] first " in BNC.

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1 This was a formidable catalogue of sins , but many of the ideas became generally accepted and to some extent underlay Mr Wilson 's thinking in 1963 when he talked of the Conservatives ' period in power since 1951 as ‘ thirteen wasted years ’ and promised that in the first hundred days of dynamic government after a Labour victory at the polls a new atmosphere would pervade Whitehall .
2 The official New China News agency ( Xinhua ) reported that in the first nine months of the year 11,503 people had been arrested for such crimes .
3 Chairman , thank , thank you very much indeed erm Chairman , I will in fact and er perhaps if I read that in the first instance I have n't circulated it erm if I read that the first instance it will set the of what I have to say .
4 We are anxious that all industrial customers should have access to competitively priced electricity and I am pleased to say that an independent survey showed that in the first year after privatisation three quarters of those customers experienced at least a 10 per cent .
5 Fontana et al showed that in the first three years of life 97% of helthy children had at least one vowel movement every other day and after the third year , 95% of the children had this pattern .
6 He said Mr Smith 's statement meant that in the first full two years of a Labour Government , they would have to borrow around an extra £9.5 billion .
7 He pointed to a ‘ desperate need to educate the population better ’ and said that in the first half of the Eighties the engineering workforce fell by a third and the number of graduates employed increased by half .
8 TI said that in the first quarter it will start knocking off Tsunami derivatives , differentiating features such as cache size , floating point and Sbus according to customer demand .
9 This , it was argued , suggested that in the first years of life the two hemispheres have similar linguistic abilities and that the left side became dominant only as speech itself developed .
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