Example sentences of "[vb past] [conj] if [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Daedalus mused that if the metal was not uniformly heated , upwelling convection cells would form within it .
2 Deborah maintained that if the company wished to keep hold of its original and still loyal customers , now in the thirty-plus age bracket , and looking for more elegant attire , it had a lot of ground to make up .
3 Davy reported that if a candle were surrounded by a wire gauze mesh , the gas would diffuse into the gauze enclosed space and burn there without exploding .
4 He reported that if a house caught fire nobody attempted to put it out because they were all concentrating on protecting the cats , forming up in lines to prevent the panic-stricken animals from running into the flames and burning themselves .
5 Nothing was said publicly , but from now on he realized that if the Council lasted more than one session , he would not be present to see it through .
6 This time , Ridley 's decision was quashed ; the three Appeal Judges agreed that if a minister departed from a clearly stated policy he had to explain why — something Ridley had failed to do in this case .
7 The papers I 've mentioned did make some suggestions , in particular Palmer , in his paper recommended that if the patient had a single tumour presentation and a negative three month cystoscopy , then subsequent cystoscopy could be performed yearly .
8 However , in Hammond [ 1982 ] Crim LR 611 ( Crown Court ) , a judge ruled that if the victim accepts a cheque without a guarantee card , he knows that he is taking a risk .
9 By the same token , Beveridge realised that if the man was paying the insurance contributions , cover could not be provided against the possibility of him leaving his wife .
10 We expected that if a task was set as a group task , then it should be done as a group .
11 The CEGB itself admitted that if a plane weighing over 2.3 tonnes — a five seater light aircraft — struck one of the core buildings of the complex at a critical point it could lead to an ‘ uncontrolled release of radioactivity ’ .
12 During the four weeks of hearings , the Authority admitted that if a waste store was eventually built under Mullwharchar , it could involve a continuous mining operation extending over fifty years .
13 The IB secretary Keith Rowlands admitted that if the tour was cancelled , it would have an impact on the decision to play the 1995 World Cup in South Africa .
14 He argued that if a jury had the benefit of ‘ this further evidence ’ it ‘ might take a very different view ’ of Mrs Sutcliffe 's attitude to deals with the Press .
15 The CPRS paper argued that if the Government were serious about reducing public expenditure , the time had come to consider some radical solutions .
16 Green argued that if the principle were extended to all eight counties the RAC would be controlled by the LEAs with a mere three members representing the WEA and only three representing the Cambridge Board with Hickson and Pateman as the committee 's servicing officers .
17 The defendants argued that if the machine was securely fenced it would be unusable .
18 Moscovitch argued that if the subject uses a linguistic strategy , that is compares the names of two letters , then it should be more difficult for him to discriminate between acoustically ( e.g. I-Y ) than visually ( e.g. V-U ) similar letter pairs .
19 He argued that if the defendant had provided washing facilities he would not have caught the disease .
20 Counsel for the Crown argued that if the House of Lords so held this would mean that the foreign income of an accumulation trust administered in England and governed by English law to avoid taxation on overseas source income by the simple expedient of appointing one co-trustee resident abroad .
21 He believed that if the distribution of an artefact type could be attributed to a particular race it could indicate the course of the invasion and settlement of England and the origins of the settlers on the Continent .
22 He believed that if the paper made a big enough impact and was raved about by the industry , there would be a rush to save it even if it did n't sell enough to make a profit .
23 In his letter to Congressmen , Admiral Trost added that if the budget cuts were sustained ‘ there will be a catastrophic impact on the Trident programme ’ that would involve losses of nuclear deterrent capability ‘ for many years ’ .
24 He added that if the referendum rejected the programme the government would have to resign .
25 He also estimated that if the number of working days lost through illness and injury was reduced by a quarter during the same period , another 0.05 per cent in growth rate per annum could be added , representing a rise of 1.1 per cent in the size of the labour force .
26 Perhaps of more significance was their estimate of the cost of the rise in unemployment from 1979 to 1985 : they estimated that if the figure had remained at the 1979 level , the cost to the Exchequer in 1984–85 would only have been £7.5 bn .
27 They also stated that if no help was forthcoming they might later in the year repeal the international law of first asylum under which the boat people were allowed to apply for refugee status and be given a fair hearing .
28 The Tehran Times of Oct. 3 stated that if the West pressured Israel to release more detainees " it can be hopeful that the problem of hostages in Lebanon will be solved by the end of the current year " .
29 The Revenue , in a Statement of 6 April 1982 entitled " The interaction of income tax and capital transfer tax on assets put into settlements " , confirmed that if the settlement pays the settlors ' CTT ( IHT ) on the transfer into trust this will not offend the income tax settlement provisions .
30 A preliminary report by the Geneva Cantonal Ecotoxological Service , which had been asked to analyse samples of the sludge by United Nations officials , declared that if the dam was breached the toxic elements would be washed down the river Tara , which flows via the Drina and Sava rivers into the Danube just above Belgrade .
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