Example sentences of "[vb past] [conj] on the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 As the investigation progressed , the researchers found that on the two-toed species males outnumbered females 3.1 , and on the more common three-toed sloth it was 7:1 .
2 William Dement woke six subjects in this systematic way over a period of six nights , and found that on the first night they did seem to " start all over again " whenever properly woken , so that by the end of the night they had achieved a good deal of slow wave sleep and very little REM sleep .
3 And all that is is a hammer and stamp and er and they have a habit of buckling because we regularly , erm postcode cycles erm , with the introduction of the mountain bike we found that on the weaker frames we were buckling them .
4 November 1876 , reported that on the previous Thursday evening , he had preached in the little church at Turnham Green , to whence he had walked from Isleworth .
5 They contributed because on the one hand , they were asked and understood that what they had to say was important , and also because too many of them grew up in a world without such books .
6 He sought advice from Lord Jauncey of Tullichettle who advised that on the true construction of the statutes the dismissal was valid and intra vires .
7 Stella moved , and as the light caught her Merrill noticed that on the fine tanned skin there was an etching of small lines at the corners of her mouth and around her eyes , but she was still a very beautiful woman .
8 In 1930 the British Legion stated that on the annual poppy day collection depended their ability to assist all ex-servicemen .
9 ‘ Then the play opened and on the first Friday it looked set to be the day .
10 But their two aims conflicted because on the one hand they 're trying to protect production and to allow erm er capit private enterprise and capitalism to develop but on the other hand they 're erm trying to redistribute all the land er because the May the fourth directive was n't going far enough , they , they needed to be more severe upon landlords
11 This meant that on the blonde version the entire bass — body , neck and fingerboard — was light-coloured wood , except for the scratchplate and the front of the headstock .
12 The huge interest generated in the share issue meant that on the first day of trading , the partially paid price of 50p immediately increased to 93p , which emphasised the extent of the undervaluation of the company ; the share price subsequently increased by even more .
13 I saw that on the well proposed
14 He felt that on the final day of their three-day visit the inspectors went through the files with the respective partners too quickly .
15 McCreery knew that on the following day his HQ would have difficult talks with AFHQ representatives , who would arrive with a brief which , for operational reasons , would present 5 Corps with great difficulties .
16 She had read of Cupid , the little god of love , and of his wicked darts piercing the heart at the moment of understood love , and she had laughed a little at the idea ; but one of them had struck home at last , and she knew that on the two previous occasions when she had previously and disastrously thought herself in love it had not been love at all …
17 On the eighth of February of nineteen seventy two died and on the eleventh of May seventy three died and the plaintiff 's continued the action but the action failed so he was awarded damages from the sale of his estate and on the twenty first of July nineteen seventy two commenced an action against solicitors for negligence or breach of professional duty in detecting to register the option necessity of so doing .
18 On seventeenth of August nineteen sixty seven object of defeating the option and having discovered through the result of his solicitors that the option had not been registered , sold and been paid the farm five hundred pounds and after the sale by registering the option under the land chartered act and on the sixth of October nineteen sixty seventeen could have exercised the option and neither or his wife complied with the notice and on March twenty eighth nineteen sixty eight wife died and on the twenty seventh of January nineteen seventy commenced proceedings against his father against his mother 's executors the declaration of the option was .
19 In older working class communities , where neither housing conditions nor wages permitted such total devotion to housewifery , it nevertheless appeared that on the whole standards of housekeeping were high .
20 By a majority the Court of Appeal held that on the true analysis the firm had in fact been automatically dissolved ( because its continuance would have been illegal ) so soon as there was a failure to renew the practising certificate by one of its members , and that thereafter the properly qualified partners had carried on in a new partnership at will which was not prevented from recovering its costs .
21 At dinner after a meeting in 1838 , a guest suggested that on the following year all house-guests should wear the costumes of knights and their ladies .
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