Example sentences of "[vb past] [conj] [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 One often reads of jealousies , of quarrels , of friendships , of instances of patronage , of pique and of loyalty which illuminate some aspect of a man 's character , of the nature of the society in which he lived or of the system in which he worked .
2 Most of them are concerned with admissibility of evidence , which is not in issue here ; and none , aside from those already mentioned , arose where in the face of clear and general language it was contended that Parliament must nevertheless have intended the words of the statute to have only a limited effect .
3 A person domiciled in a part of the United Kingdom may , in another part of the United Kingdom , be sued : ( 1 ) in matters relating to a contract , in the courts for the place of performance of the obligation in question ; … ( 3 ) in matters relating to tort , delict or quasi-delict , in the courts for the place where the harmful event occurred or in the case of a threatened wrong is likely to occur ; … ( 8 ) in proceedings — ( a ) concerning a debt secured on immovable property ; or ( b ) which are brought to assert , declare or determine proprietary or possessory rights , or rights of security , in or over movable property , or to obtain authority to dispose of movable property , in the courts of the part of the United Kingdom in which the property is situated .
4 It transpired that during the war he had been a medical officer in the German Wehrmacht fighting on the Eastern Front .
5 It later transpired that in the days immediately preceding the budget he had found time to eat only once — a poached egg at the Lyons Corner House which was then opposite the House of Commons .
6 Whether Cecil Leitch found the course embarrassingly short is not clear , but Lady Rathcreedan afterwards proposed that during the summer ladies should use the men 's tees to lengthen their course although without altering the par !
7 Disturbed that the English were at odds with a nation that should have been one of its natural religious allies , Cromwell brought about a rapid end to the Dutch War , and during the peace negotiations he even proposed that in the interests of their common religion the English and Dutch republics should merge to form one united Protestant state .
8 Charlie Malone , a shop steward and one of the sacked workers , promised that by the end of the campaign there would be 300 fewer people on the dole .
9 On Jan. 6 , as part of a televised speech , he had described the liberation of Palestine as the main objective in the struggle , while reaffirming nevertheless that " the return of Kuwait to the motherland is a reality " , that the Iraqi army should prepare for " the mother of battles " , and that the war would reach " every struggler and fighter whose hand can reach out to harm aggressors in the whole world " ; on Jan. 9 , when an International Islamic Popular Conference opened in Baghdad , he promised that in the event of war the Americans would " swim in their own blood " .
10 ‘ I never doubted that for a moment , ’ he replied in an extremely charming , yet at the same time insolent , tone .
11 Ramsey never doubted that in the formation of his mind Hoskyns was influential , and ever afterwards he was grateful .
12 I say in interesting , if you built that in a model , people would n't believe you .
13 His rounds took him to most parts of the building and Rain was eagerly accepting that it must have been Stan on the second floor making her jumpy when he mentioned that since the murder he did not go into MacQuillan 's room or those next to it because the police were usually there .
14 In my message for World Communications Day last year , I mentioned that among the realities we celebrate on this annual occasion are the God-given gifts of speech , of hearing and of sight which make communication possible between us .
15 The 1977 Royal Commission on the Press found that for a quality newspaper , production costs accounted for 31% of total costs ; the next largest group of costs were attributed to newsprint and ink .
16 Wright and West , in a study of all incidents recorded by the police as genuine rapes or attempted rapes in six English counties over a five-year period from 1972 to 1976 , found that of a total of 297 cases , fellatio was attempted or demanded in 30 incidents , cunnilingus in 13 , buggery in 12 and other sexual acts usually involving masturbation in 35 .
17 Researchers found that on a day when an ‘ insular ’ mother reported having an argument with another adult before she was observed at home with her child , she was more likely to behave unpleasantly towards her child ( Wahler and Graves 1983 ) .
18 McMahon and Greene found that on the pole-vaulter 's pillows , the runner was in contact with the surface far longer than on concrete , and that he deflected the pillows noticeably .
19 The National Industrial Relations Court found that at no stage were the employees asked if they were prepared to move to Fulham and at no stage did they indicate that they were prepared to move .
20 Thus the National Child Development Study which covered all children born during a week in 1958 found that at the age of 7 years there was a far higher proportion of children from the lower socio-economic groups who had not been immunised against smallpox , polio and diphtheria .
21 India in those days ( round about 1963 ) was much in the air and I found that as a background it decidedly fired my imagination .
22 Adler found that despite the legislation a woman 's sexual history was routinely introduced during a rape trial .
23 A February 1991 report by the environmental pressure group Greenpeace found that despite the March 1989 signing of a convention on the international transport and disposal of hazardous waste [ see p. 36541 ] industrialized countries continued to export their toxic waste .
24 And we found that over a period of , oh about a couple of months , the same people almost used to come round .
25 They found that over the course of the year , two-thirds of the women interviewed reported experiences of sexual harassment , one-quarter of the women had experienced threats , and one-fifth , violence .
26 Correll found that during the summer about half the river 's estuarine loadings of nitrogen come from the sky .
27 Given the date , it was then a question of working backwards and consulting an old diary ; and I found that during the period in question I was in India for Panorama .
28 We found that towards the end of the rehearsal period the actors during run-throughs referred to each other and related to each other in the offstage character ( Joyce , Neil , etc . ) .
29 On checking through the Division list , I found that among the Members who sadly threw out that advanced piece of legislation were the right hon. Member for Norfolk , South ( Mr. MacGregor ) and other interesting names .
30 The NCC survey found that amongst the chairbound , the reported problems were similar in nature to those of the wider sample , but of much greater intensity .
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