Example sentences of "[vb past] [adv] at each [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 So I gave myself just half an hour to get to the theatre and prepare for curtain up — and phoned home at each interval .
2 Chuck peered intently at each girl they passed , but without exception they avoided his gaze .
3 The iron-clad Monitor and Merrimack hammered away at each other in the American Civil War .
4 The two men nodded warily at each other .
5 The men glanced quickly at each other .
6 The two boys looked uneasily at each other , but said nothing .
7 Even the pair of plumed cockatoos that normally chattered away at each other in their wrought-iron enclosure were asleep on their perches .
8 They stared glumly at each other for a few moments , before Laura shrugged .
9 He continued up the hill , and she went on down ; but a few paces further on she stopped and looked back , and it was at that precise moment that it happened , because he had turned back as well and for a few moments they looked longingly at each other , each tongue-tied , but each sure , now , of the other 's feelings .
10 Christina joined in whilst James and Elaine looked helplessly at each other .
11 John listened hard at each introduction and heard , variously , MacMahanon , MacManamon , MacMarneymum , and — once-MacMillan ; he gave up and settled once again for MacMinimum , to which the man invariably answered without so much as the lifting of an eyebrow .
12 The men stared silently at each other , then one plucked up courage and said , ‘ There 's something not quite right down there , ’ pointing to the line of fish vans .
13 Seb and Nahum looked across at each other and both tried not to smile .
14 When they parted they looked searchingly at each other .
15 He surveyed the two women , who were oblivious of his presence as they tore verbally at each other .
16 Branson and Draper smiled broadly at each other .
17 Kenneth and Mary smiled uncertainly at each other .
18 ‘ One of these days ’ George promised and they smiled quickly at each other isolating Maxim in a twinge of envy .
19 Haavikko saw how the two men smiled knowingly at each other and felt a sudden warmth — a sense of belonging — flood through him .
20 Delicate lines , like tracings , rayed out at each corner of her eyes .
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