Example sentences of "[vb past] [adv] at [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In return , citizens are entitled to expect high-quality services which are responsive to their needs and provided efficiently at reasonable cost .
2 ‘ I always rated Pally at Ayresome Park , but there is no doubt he has blossomed on a bigger stage .
3 I do n't think anyone would argue though , that the true stars of the event came on at mid bill , at 6.30pm .
4 Fallen branches littered the rides and new growths of whippy little sapling twigs poked down at head-and-shoulder height to a horseman .
5 He loaded farmhands , ladders , rope and planks into a small lorry , and drove off at top speed towards Windmill Hill , Angela in the seat beside him .
6 One beltless man , in an official car , signalled to turn right into the car park , saw our photographer , abruptly changed his mind and drove off at high speed down the street .
7 Anyway , she drove off at high speed , ignoring all senso unicos , and finally crashed into a bollard by the ospedale .
8 As other police cars arrived at the scene the two men raced across the central reservation and drove off at high speed to be chased later by PC Whitehouse and WPC Larkin .
9 Oh goodness yes , wh we if we dredged up , we 'd have a say a piece of on deck , we used to land them on deck until we got room , so we came up at Upper Dock .
10 Birds ' songs often sound varied and melodious to us , but if they are recorded and played back at slow speed , they are found to have vastly more detail than we realise .
11 In clefts which acted as fresh water drainage channels , only 27% hatched while in situations that dried out at low water , hatching success varied between 0% at mean tide level to 57% at mean low water neaps .
12 An erratic Lebanese with a wife and family in Beirut and a Dutch mistress in Nicosia , he wore jeans and cowboy boots and drove around at high speed in a Chevy 4 × 4 with expired Texas licence plates .
13 A turnstone in tortoiseshell plumage flicked over stones and pecked smartly at exposed food items .
14 The two men met yesterday at Tory command in another nearby marginal , Lewisham West , and enjoyed a chat .
15 Trinidadians , disgusted by their violence ( they captured Mr Robinson and shot him in the leg ) , nevertheless reckoned that poor people had a lot to grumble about , as the government slashed away at public spending to rectify past extravagance .
16 I had a strange sensation when , on an autumnal Friday afternoon , I turned up at Old Admiralty Building , to have a viva voce on my written evidence to the Falklands Inquiry .
17 When the rest of the crowd turned out at closing time and headed for the Floral Gardens with their carry-outs , Tich bedded down for the night in the public lavatory on the other side of the railway bridge .
18 Magee fired twice at point-blank range into Goodman 's chest and the special staggered towards the centre of the road , dying . ’
19 SOUTH TYNEDALE Railway Diesel Day Chance to get all steamed up at unique collection of classic British industrial engines including ‘ Tiny Tim ’ and ‘ The Wickham Trolley ’ .
20 An important working library on South-East Asia and much modern French literature has come to us by bequest of M. Jacques Dauphin , father of our former Lady Carlisle Research Fellow , Dr. Claudine Dauphin ; we owe special thanks to Dr. Dauphin and the army of Somervillian and non-Somervillian friends who helped transport this large collection of books across the Channel , and to Ann Raynes who stepped in at short notice to deliver the last consignment from London to Oxford .
21 Every time his plane touched down at Nice airport and he saw palm trees and tanned porters in white , short-sleeved shirts , Adam enjoyed afresh the glamour of a life where one stepped on to a plane in bleak winter weather and shortly afterwards stepped off in warm sunshine .
22 He touched down at Upper Heyford right on schedule at 1.55 a.m. local time , disturbing the sleep of the villagers beneath him as he made his final turn into the approach lights .
23 All nine aircraft clattered away at full power down the ‘ deck ’ , with their nosewheels coming off the ground very quickly , in what was one of the most impressive set pieces seen by the writer in many years .
24 Almost before you can see what has come up out of the hold the fish is loaded on the barrow and trundled off at breakneck speed , followed by the small boys and the cats .
25 In fact , I felt so wonderful that I glanced back at Old Red .
26 Mr. Gilbert deliberately hung around at closing time to give the three men a chance to go away .
27 The advance guard of men on mules and horses came up in regular lines but as soon as they got near they dashed up at full gallop , shouting and brandishing their weapons , each man shrieking out how many men he had killed ; and then they wheeled round to make room for others .
28 Prison officers hit back at critical report .
29 Seamans said it was very rare that violence broke out at American football , baseball or basketball games , ‘ and what is the biggest concern is that it seems to be organised violence at European soccer games which is something we have never experienced , ’ he added .
30 John Daly , 26 , who won last year 's US professional golfers ' championship , hit out at 40-year-old wife Bettye during a party in Denver , Colorado , police said .
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