Example sentences of "[vb past] [adv] for some [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Although cylinder manufacturers countered effectively for some decades , first with moulding techniques and later with finer grooves , the overwhelming simplicity of being able to press thousands of copies of disc records and play them on a simple machine eventually told in the disc 's favour .
2 I phoned down for some eggs , toast and a quart of coffee .
3 He paced about for some time , looking agitated .
4 And er , we stopped there for some time and nothing happened and me dad says Gil !
5 But the Westland affair lingered on for some time to come .
6 Not surprisingly the concept of dominant ideology came in for some discussion .
7 Irwin , too , came in for some criticism from his own side , notably from Churchill , who was famously appalled by the ‘ spectacle of this one-time Inner Temple lawyer , now seditious fakir , striding half-naked up the steps of the Viceroy 's palace , there to negotiate and parley on equal terms with the representative of the King-Emperor ’ , but generally he was showered with praise .
8 But Labour Party councillors also came in for some criticism from delegates .
9 The attitude of men — not just the middle-aged grey-suits at the top but increasingly of young grey-suits who put their career above that of their partners ' — came in for some stick .
10 The involvement of IL-10 in the inhibition of macrophage anti-schistosome effector functions ( James ) , and the Th1 down-regulation which accompanies egg-associated Th2 responses , came in for some debate .
11 VOTING Day came early for some schools in the North-East who went to the polls yesterday in a mock General Election .
12 ‘ I came here for some answers .
13 It climbed steeply for some moments and then hung , apparently motionless , like a miniature sun above the sepoy encampment .
14 Polly 's grip on the wheel tightened as , head and heart in raging conflict , she sought wildly for some means of escape .
15 A great camaraderie and friendship evolved and miracle of miracles , he settled down for some years before a dark-haired , dark-eyed endomorph stole his heart for good .
16 So in 1972 a new secretary was appointed for the task , Anthony Gray , who worked away for some years and helped set it on its feet again .
17 He worked contentedly for some time and was deep in the intricacies of a genealogy when the telephone rang .
18 I stayed in Brazil and worked hard for some years .
19 It sounded vaguely political , chiefly because it went on for some while .
20 They went on for some way in silence .
21 This went on for some time , but when it was finished , the daughter started crying again , this time tears of remorse , grieving for the mother who had died , and grieving for the relationship that she had never had .
22 This movement , which went on for some time , gave Franca ( and Ludens agreed with her later ) the sense that Marcus was actually creating Patrick .
23 This went on for some time , until the dog 's master came to the door .
24 Then began a remarkable conversation which went on for some time ; it was getting on for five when she left .
25 It was a quite hard movement , dragging the flesh this way and that , and it went on for some time , perhaps ten minutes .
26 The lame recital went on for some time , while Jerome , piteously small and shrunken and wretched , kneeled in Rhun 's supple , generous arm , with that radiant , silent face beside him , to point searing differences .
27 This pantomime went on for some time and , inevitably , the emotional strain brought on a resurgence of his symptoms .
28 Ernie , who was employed by him , would go up on a Sun day to feed his stock and unbeknown to Dick Gooding would bring the old mule back with him , hitch him to the hand cart and pull it over to Birling Bank , this went on for some time and poor old Dick knew nothing of these goings on .
29 This went on for some time , with Dr Neil fencing politely , Matey looking grim , and Norton sighing in counterpoint to la Darrell .
30 This went on for some time .
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