Example sentences of "[vb past] [adv] all [art] way " in BNC.

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1 Having no qualifications I launched into a career as a journalist and for my health it became downhill all the way .
2 And he just laughed , goes no Hawaiian pizza and he just cracked up all the way through !
3 ‘ … your mother 's mother called the office this morning and then drove up all the way from Virginia to see me .
4 I freewheeled virtually all the way .
5 I walked back all the way from Fleet Street to Radnor Walk , which took a while … ’
6 Staring out of the carriage window at the dismal , wind-torn countryside , a plastic cup of weak British Rail coffee untouched in front of her , she brooded non-stop all the way to London .
7 She talked almost all the way down through the forest : and then , when we were out in the open she started again , ‘ Do you see those trees over there ? ’
8 The car sped home , and her father talked happily all the way .
9 ‘ We battled well all the way through but we 're still at the bottom , and there 's a lot of hard work ahead .
10 She raged silently all the way back to the cottage , but it was only when the front door closed behind them that she could trust herself enough to speak .
11 She ran nearly all the way to Dangerfield Farm to tell Harriet and Farmer Plant of her success , and the short cut she took to tell her news was the path signposted DANGER .
12 It was heated by a stove from which a heavy iron pipe ran up all the way to the roof .
13 Eventually , though not yet for many years , when Deep Level came up under here ore was dropped down to there and trammed out all the way to the Bonsor Mill ; Paddy End Mill was then shutdown .
14 She ran almost all the way through the town .
15 It whistled virtually all the way through , it went do n't you know it ?
16 He backed up all the way to the road , squinting to make out the track behind in the faint glow of the reversing lights .
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