Example sentences of "[vb past] [adv] [vb pp] [adv prt] in " in BNC.

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1 Development planning first became widely known about in the 1950 's and since then various attempts have been made to help women , specifically , in underdeveloped countries with varying degrees of success .
2 Accordingly , instead of the war being over in a short time — as was thought by many — it became literally bogged down in trench warfare never previously experienced .
3 ‘ You 'd better come back in the house and dry your shoes and socks , ’ said Betty .
4 The next minute , he was the teasing , confident extrovert who 'd calmly stripped off in front of her in his bedroom that night .
5 Around the Old Executive Office Building , where the NSC staff had their offices , North was remembered as a man who seemed always caught up in some dark drama : leaving for the airport , constantly being paged in meetings , ‘ looking like a ghost ’ in the corridor .
6 James 's private quarrel with William now became irretrievably caught up in the greater feud between England and France .
7 She 'd loved that dress , felt so grown up in it !
8 After leaving school he had been unable to settle , had wandered from place to place and had eventually landed up in Borstal , where his crimes had given him a reputation for toughness and ruthlessness which he had felt compelled to live up to ( although at the same time hating it and himself ) .
9 I felt , by doing that , I had effectively stepped back in time and discovered the one thing that should have been thought of before we even harnessed electricity .
10 He had a fleeting image of a bar , of the people inside , of someone singing Chris Rea 's : ‘ Joys of Christmas , Northern Style ’ , and then it had all flashed by in less than a second .
11 They had always been a close family and that night they had all ended up in tears after a lengthy talk with their family GP who had come to the house to talk to them about Jennifer 's diagnosis .
12 Although nothing was especially valuable , we had all grown up in that house and these things had special associations .
13 And then back home with Ted and Frieda both asleep and Jo gone , it had all burst up in tears Maggie had squashed down with cigarettes .
14 The Jarvis family had all come down in the world , considering the money their Victorian grandfather , a manufacturer of bathroom fittings , had made for them , Ernest with the dwindling Cambridge School , Evelina nutty as a squirrel 's cage and with her first sojourn in a nursing home behind her , Cecilia married to a Customs officer .
15 He was an unhappy personality , who had obviously grown up in the shadow of his father and had decided that the assumption of a totally aggressive demeanour was the only way of maintaining a personality of his own that would be distinct from that of his famous , indeed most famous — parent .
16 Maxim 's thinking had just begun to catch up with why two armed watchmen — the ones outside his own flat had n't been armed — had suddenly turned up in the service road of Neptune Court .
17 As Shklovsky had already pointed out in his essay on ‘ Art as technique ’ ( although the implications of his remarks were not fully drawn out until later ) form and order can themselves act as powerful automatizing factors .
18 The sergeant had already mapped out in his own mind , with an eye to the wind , the speed of the flow and the amount of debris being brought down , the procession of spits , shoals , curves and pools where a heavy piece of flotsam would be likely to cast up , beginning immediately below the village of Moulden , which lay just below the Aurae Phiala enclosure .
19 He had already blown out in the first two matches yet still went for a practice to give me information on a different stretch for which I was grateful .
20 In December 1922 he resigned graciously to return to his large goods store which had already started up in June .
21 They had walked the perimeter his men had already marked out in preparation for the stockade he planned around the new settlement ; the deputies had taken this in , uttering cries among themselves at the tools his men handled .
22 Handlebar 's mate had meanwhile broken out in a kind of partridge death-wail .
23 Aug. 2 , the anniversary of the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait , was marked by a broadcast by Iraqi President Saddam Hussein in which he described the Iraqis as the true victors in the subsequent war , on the grounds that Iraq had not backed down in the face of the enormous odds against it .
24 His dream had finally run out in an Arabian nightmare of high living and questionable favours .
25 Charles wondered what new disaster had hit the production , or which of the producer 's dubious deals had just blown up in his face .
26 In an instant she was aware of every detail of her appearance from the upswept Titian curls , tamed for the meeting that had just broken up in fragmented dissatisfaction among the main body of the directors , to her neat cinnamon gabardine suit and matching high court shoes .
27 THE fighting had just broken out in Panama City when a group of men dressed in civilian clothes and armed with rifles surrounded the Marriott Hotel and began rounding up guests .
28 Sandra had just arrived back in time to hear Mrs Foster 's grim assessment of the situation .
29 He had just sat down in front of the television , beer in one hand , chicken leg in the other , feet on the coffee table , and Sportsnight just started .
30 It looked as if they 'd been having a party and had just taken off in the middle of it .
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