Example sentences of "[vb past] [adv] [conj] have [been] " in BNC.

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1 L'Auberge expanded , necessitating the employment of Arnold , a young chef who took over most of the day-to-day running of the kitchen , and Olive , a restaurant manageress who , like almost all the waitresses , lived locally and had been trained on the job by George .
2 But Lambeth insisted last week it acted properly and had been backed by an SSI inquiry .
3 Land worked on a co-operative basis in the controlled zones has either been expropriated from the large landowners who fled when the FMLN forces took over or has been donated by middle or small range campesino families .
4 Apart from performing the worst of all US football teams in 1990 , the team has amassed losses of $20m since Kiam took over and has been playing to 70 per cent capacity despite some improvement this season .
5 The main opposition Democratic Party ( DP ) and the Unification National Party ( UNP — formed in January 1992 ) both did better than had been expected .
6 He saved much that had been thrown away as rubbish , and would otherwise have perished without trace .
7 It 's the same sort we had before that have been so good .
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