Example sentences of "[vb past] [adv] [prep] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A number of significant changes have occurred in British society since 1979 , and the one centred on in this book has been the emergence of an underclass .
2 So what they says is that I , I got on at this wall , jumped across onto this other wall , shinned up the outside of this other wall , stood on top of this the first floor wall and jumped up and caught hold of the top of the second floor wall and he reckon in the la about fucking twenty odd seconds , I was up and over and in , they , they , they fucking kill yourself , get down , I ca n't remember none of it .
3 So men from the IRA mixed with British squaddies , and through necessity got on with each other .
4 I got on with some work of my own and he went back to his .
5 For a short time we got on without much difficulty , but we were soon obliged to have recourse to our hands and knees , and clamber thus from one crag to another .
6 Then the Cid bade his banner move on , and the Bishop Don Hieronymo pricked forward with his company , and laid on with such guise , that the hosts were soon mingled together .
7 The last Archdeacon of Woodborough , a genial and easy man , had invited all the priests of his eight deaneries to a fork supper laid on with great relish by his wife , a woman whose every fibre rejoiced at being a clergy wife .
8 She was small and dark , with rimless spectacles , and became matronly in middle age .
9 The Young Socialists were in a state of constant conflict with their elders , and they fought bitterly against any intervention in their political initiatives .
10 The crisis arose eventually over another matter , when Ken exerted successful moral pressure on one of William 's Dutch courtiers to marry the Princess 's maid of honour whom he had seduced .
11 This bad feeling er lived on into old age .
12 Lived on into old age .
13 There was always this idea that people lived on in some form after death , looking after you .
14 On rehearsal , when our cue came through , we heard him say ‘ I am a sea-gull at the Port of Vancouver ’ instead of the ‘ Fitzpatrick Travelogue ’ script agreed on for this part of the show .
15 The DNF contained patriotic leftist Koreans led astray by communist propaganda ; it was important to persuade such people to support moderation and democracy .
16 The application of sophisticated mathematical techniques and other Blue Skies approaches in engineering may come about through collaboration , but the important point to realise is that once formal or rigorous methods have been developed and applied successfully in one field of engineering , they may be applicable , suitably modified , to others and perhaps lead to more reliable specifications and designs in general .
17 Photojournalism and the birth of photography are briefly touched on , Context and Ambiguity expanded on in some depth , ethics briefly considered and a fair selection of illustrations from the exhibition are included , including Robert Capa 's The Last Man to die , Leipzig , Germany and Chris Steele-Perkins Famine in Karamoja Province , Uganda , images that are almost commonplace today .
18 The Troop Staff Sergeant detailed to supervise the construction was insistently calling the rafts into the head of the bridge , where they coupled on with remarkable rapidity .
19 If one accepts the story of Molla Yegan 's bringing Molla Gurani to the Ottoman court-and there seems no reason not to-then on the basis of what appears to be the fairly firm evidence for this part of Molla Gurani 's career , Molla Yegan 's return from his journey can not be dated earlier than 845/1441–2 ; and on the reasonable assumption that the purpose of Molla Yegan 's journey was to make the pilgrimage , it seems entirely likely that it was in the year 844/1440–1 , the same year that Molla Gurani made his abortive pilgrimage , that Molla Yegan also performed the hajj and that the two met somewhere after that pilgrimage , though clear information about the actual time and place of their meeting is entirely lacking .
20 Regular post natal classes were started by Kent County Council Health Department at Sidcup , KENT in 1943 on the recommendation of Dr. Anni Knoll ; it was here that Molly was persuaded to teach again in 1947 , starting the snowball which led eventually to nationwide representation .
21 When parents ceased to be available , primitive man could well have felt the loss , and the need to transfer the dependence elsewhere and this led eventually to some form of imagined substitute , or ‘ god ’ as the surrogate .
22 Robertson 's authorization passed on by Eighth Army was acted on by HQ 5 Corps [ KP 145 ] .
23 In the case of Statement B racism is entailed in a set of inherited predispositions passed on from one generation to another .
24 Barnard considered that the energy introduced into the homoeopathic potency during the succussion process stabilized the arrangement of the water polymers and that it was these shape-specific polymers which were built up and passed on from one potency to the next .
25 The reception area had obviously been designed to impress , with its mushroom-coloured Anton Plus carpet imported from America , its three-tiered Czechoslovakian glass crystal lights , its brown leather armchairs and its crushed velour curtains draped ornately on either side of the plate glass window facing directly out on to the car park .
26 Stockings were rolled ; nightdresses folded and piled , sachets between each ; camisoles threaded anew with narrow ribbon after every washing all glimmered secretly in a deep drawer .
27 Rincewind got down on one knee , the better to arrange the picture , and pressed the enchanted lever .
28 Then the crew got down to serious drinking .
29 It was high time she got down to serious thought about her doctorate .
30 Needing to think very deeply about her situation , however , Leith pushed thoughts of Sebastian from her and got down to serious thought .
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