Example sentences of "[vb past] [adv] [verb] them at " in BNC.

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1 To please him , she travelled , learnt languages , read all the guide books to the cities he insisted they visit , became a sexual virtuoso , developed opinions on the classics and on contemporary literature , and learnt never to voice them at the dinner table unless asked .
2 During the final edit the TV company 's commissioning editor for arts , Waldemar Januszczak decided not to use them at all .
3 Ceauşescu was happy to meet this condition : for him , as for any true follower of Lenin , a trade union was ‘ a transmission belt of authority ’ ; if the union officials could not get the workers to meet their targets , failed to anticipate strikes , and then did not resolve them at once , what use were they to the regime ?
4 Because she had never known her parents well , she did not miss them at all .
5 Some princes did not employ them at all until the second half of the century .
6 Floy had said he and Snodgrass would try their best to leave markers on the road as they went , providing that Balor did not catch them at it .
7 Ah they did n't , they knew I was n't really interested in school , they were , did n't bother them at all .
8 Ferns and brambles whipped at him , but he did n't feel them at all .
9 ‘ We gave two stupid free kicks away in the first half and did n't clear them at all .
10 ‘ David did n't like them at all and promised her a clothing allowance , ’ said her friend .
11 A great deal of the audience did n't like them at all .
12 it did n't like them at first , because she felt that they were very rough and uncouth .
13 Not surprisingly , nowadays I hate my breasts , and wish I did n't have them at all .
14 We did n't have them at the back either , for that matter .
15 They did n't have them at the bookshop I went to , they 'd never heard of the magazine , and a friend of mine who writes poetry said he was certain it did n't exist . ’
16 Moreover , since it came to be accepted by many schools that a pupil could not study these separate subjects at A level unless he or she had already studied them at O level ( although in the 1950s it had been intended that O levels should be ‘ bypassed ’ by those who would study a subject at A level ) the domination of the university faculties began when a pupil was 14 .
17 My cousins , & his wife , , sailed from Victoria , via Vancouver to spend a day with us in Seattle ( we had already met them at an all-family-reunion wedding in Cheltenham in August . ) .
18 But even before the farmers had come up to the market someone had probably met them at the station , because each dealer had a tout — a local man .
19 The fire had n't touched them at all . ’
20 Bernice had n't seen them at first : their black silk cloaks merged into the darkness beyond the doorway , and only the jerky movements of the red-painted muzzles of their stubby blasters revealed their location .
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