Example sentences of "[vb past] [adv] [verb] her [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We have no room for everything an' I thought the place would look brighter if the missus 'ad somewhere to put her buckets an' brooms . ’
2 The mother-of-two became so distressed her hair fell out .
3 She tried gamely to hold her head high and proud , but to no avail .
4 Wanda from New Jersey phoned in to say her need for the taste of blood was a clinical necessity without which the withdrawal symptoms were ‘ just awful , ya wouldn ’ wan na go through it Jerry , ’ she told her host .
5 Thérèse returned with her water-bottle , knelt down to arrange her flowers .
6 Sophie felt a glow of satisfaction as she bent down to open her case .
7 Throwing him a look of haughty disdain , she bent down to push her boots into the ski-bindings , furiously aware that he was watching her every move .
8 Sophie bent down to examine her patient .
9 Picking up the child , who was breathing in gulps like an oarsman at the end of a race , Thomas bent down to save her sculptures and carried her through to her mother .
10 She bent down to kiss her child .
11 I pretended not to notice her look of astonishment and got on with my shining .
12 She tried desperately to control her voice .
13 ‘ Of course , ’ she replied evenly , and tried desperately to pin her thoughts on somewhere else .
14 ‘ You 're looking a bit peaky , ’ they told her at work , and she tried desperately to conceal her fatigue .
15 Lucy 's eyes widened , but she tried not to betray her surprise .
16 She tried not to drop her glance .
17 Mrs Stych , untying her apron , bustled out of the kitchen and tried not to show her despair .
18 Ruth tried not to show her terror when the timbers creaked and moaned like tormented spirits and she could hear the waves breaking on the deck above them .
19 Once the parents had been shown how to carry out the technique they became more confident in using it and over the course of the next two weeks Mary stopped physically attacking her sister .
20 She bent quickly to kiss her father , then let herself out into the shadowy hall , and made for the wide , oak-panelled stairs .
21 He bent slightly to examine her face .
22 She was flustered , and tried unsuccessfully to push her shirt back into her shorts whilst speaking to Stephen and holding the phone .
23 More memories bounced back to crowd her perception .
24 The thought rose uncharitably to fill her mind , and suddenly , for some inexplicable reason , the sight of Adele Duncan 's tearful smile and Niall 's look of concern filled her with an emotion she refused to acknowledge as jealousy .
25 Mortified , she released her death-grip on his waist and tried hard to relax her legs .
26 The nun tried hard to conceal her enthusiasm .
27 He bent briefly to brush her lips , then he was reaching behind her to turn the handle of her bedroom door .
28 She tried however to pin her thoughts on other matters and , recalling that Ven had only returned to Mariánské Láznë in order to pick up some papers , she realised that , since they were important enough for him to make the four-hour return journey , he must want them to hand over to someone else .
29 She bent forward to return her teacup to the table .
30 She faltered , and fought desperately to get her head together .
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