Example sentences of "[vb past] [pron] up [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The next day they moved me up to the second floor to work with Mr Perkins , a weird old guy who smelt of dogs and cleaned his ears out with the lid from his ballpoint pen .
2 This brought the chucker-out to see what the commotion was about , but luckily he could n't tell what row it had come from because the old woman snatched me up by the hem of my frock and sat me on the seat .
3 I looked up the name of my shop steward — Chris Pike — in a recent union bulletin , wrote to him for further information and he invited me up to the Branch Office .
4 Yes yes I was I had a month 's terminal leave er I 'd er I 'd heard that there was a job going , er phoned them up on the on the Monday , had an interview Tuesday , started the Friday .
5 So I phoned them up in the afternoon and I said the bicycle that my friend Mr reported yesterday afternoon is still in the bushes .
6 No I was talking to Julie yesterday , she phoned me up at the
7 And erm she phoned me up on the Sunday .
8 Yes she still phoned me up in the morning and at vast expense to tell me how awful everything was .
9 Once it was home , the stalwart Alan helped me up to the loft with it , where it awaits my occupation in due course .
10 Re Reg er er , er say we had er say , twenty ton o twenty ton of oats come in and we soon used them up before the next lot , I 'll start on the next lot he , the sample man 'd come in , you know , sample in come them oats he 'd come up perhaps , when they come in , check the first two or three sacks with me , you see , and then I 'd have to get a rubber get a bowl full of oats , bowl full of whole oats put into the rubber , see and get a bowl full of whole and put them through the crusher and crush the main , like , you know , like we used to have , just squeeze them , you know crack them
11 In the summer of 1675 , in the course of Louis XIV 's Dutch War , he found himself up against the great imperial general Montecucculi , who in the previous year had outmanoeuvred Turenne to capture Bonn .
12 Dexter levered himself up from the chair , his eyelids leaden with sleep , and murmured that he had to go home and rest .
13 GEC , under the guidance of Lord Weinstock , built itself up into the largest manufacturing employer in the UK , producing a wide range of products from telecommunications to defence electronics .
14 ‘ We 're going to have to do something — because I simply ca n't tell you two imps of mischief apart , ’ Laura muttered , groaning as she levered herself up against the pillows .
15 ‘ Not my sister , ’ she drew herself up in the chair .
16 Anthea drew herself up in the chair and her dark eyes flashed like rapiers at Montgomery .
17 He stood there , his face awash with blood , his swollen mouth hanging open , but still conscious , still awake enough to see his younger brother 's eyes as they fixed his own and lined him up for the coup de grace .
18 ‘ Master Daunbey , ’ Mandeville caught him up at the corner of the gallery .
19 Hazel caught him up by the culvert .
20 Belov brought her some broth about an hour later , and he helped her up to the bowl .
21 His mother helped him up onto the seat beside Mr McDoodle .
22 A bulky label helped him up to the belt .
23 They beat him up in the alleyway , tied his hands and led him off to the Marshalsea .
24 I did not dare move , and yet I did : I put my hand on his thigh , and slowly moved it up towards the centre of my desire .
25 Most academics involved in the study and teaching of local government lined themselves up behind the councils which they perceived to be under threat , in a centrally inspired attack on local democracy and local autonomy .
26 With only the staff at Bloomsbury House and their regional offices as the long stop for advice and modest practical assistance , it is not surprising that a high proportion of Kindertransporte veterans , possibly as many as one in ten , found themselves up against the police or other bastions of social authority .
27 He lined us up in the corridor and told the other Corporals that he would deal with us .
28 Charles made himself up for the new role , and dressed in the new costume .
29 He got himself up in the morning and dressed in the clothes Emmie had put out for him the night before .
30 As he lived in the city , Mr Coary drove me up to the Noones ’ for my bag and then took me all the way back to O'Brien 's Hotel in Dublin , where I had stayed long before .
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