Example sentences of "[vb past] [pron] [adv] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 After this he made them both some cocoa and began the first of the Just So stories .
2 Erm , so Jan had these butties , she said oh I made them lovingly last night , tuna , mayonnaise and onion and er she said trust Viv to ring today like when I 'd made these butties !
3 For instance , when Oliver Reed made his now famous appearance with slightly more than a little Dutch courage inside him , he suddenly took it into his head that he wanted to sing .
4 On 2 November 1715 , General Forster , who had now received a commission from the Earl of Mar appointing him Commander-in-Chief of the Jacobite forces in England , led his somewhat reluctant army through Longtown and Brampton towards Penrith , though the Highlanders with him had cheered up , and become noticeably more loyal , on being promised the handsome pay of sixpence [ 2.5p ] a day .
5 While working in Public Eye Ken cemented his already strong relationship with Maggie Smith and Beverley Cross .
6 With dark hair cut quite short so that it revealed his classically shaped head , a deep tan finished with some light freckles , piercing blue eyes and a mouth that was generous in laughter and very straight and sober when he was absorbed in work , he had become the standard against which any other man she met was measured … and fell short .
7 The adults were almost holding each other up but the little brownies and wolf cubs made my most appreciative audience , breaking their ranks and staggering about helplessly in the roadway while their leaders tried to restore order .
8 I made my very first TV appearance at 12 in a six-part series on Alexander Graham Bell with Alec McCowen , Francesca Annis and Judy Geeson .
9 One of the men voiced his somewhat belated fear and it was immediately taken up by others .
10 Sean had a free ticket to the Smorgasbord as he was the driver but the waiter charged me only half price after hearing where we had been .
11 True , a small band of bridge trolls tried to ambush them on one occasion , and a party of brigands nearly caught them unawares one night ( but unwisely tried to investigate the Luggage before slaughtering the sleepers ) .
12 She phoned me earlier this week and invited me to come down here to see her land .
13 I , I , I think he described them as light granite , but , but actually of a manmade material , which is being used at the moment in Nottingham on a something called a heritage walk which takes you up to the lace market in Nottingham .
14 It was as if , because she bore them so much love , the actions of her children had the power to anaesthetize some of her most cherished convictions .
15 During the revolutions of 1848 he used his seemingly impregnable position to repress rebellion in Romania , to restore Habsburg control in Hungary , and to prevent constitutional change in Germany .
16 The rumour that he used his notoriously smooth tongue to get himself recognized as seneschal of France suggests that he was aiming at Anjou , since this was a title claimed by the Counts of Anjou .
17 Florian stopped his theatrically narrow-eyed scrutiny of Maria and grinned at Luke , who must have been telling the truth because he was all attention , no less than riveted .
18 Serjeant sustained his increasingly serious illness with signal fortitude and uproarious humour .
19 As he spoke I was very conscious of the smile which transformed his usually impassive face .
20 ‘ That 's right , Corporal , ’ I replied as I snatched my very important pass .
21 One shop assistant approached my very bored husband rather than me .
22 This bond of Christian love between Augustine and his mother transformed their already close relationship .
23 In later years the shadow of the Counter-Reformation overcast his work with a new seriousness which found its most impressive expression in the Sixth Book of six-part madrigals ( 1595 ) with ‘ Se quel dolor ’ and the Ninth Book of five-part madrigals ( 1599 ) with ‘ Solo e pensoso ’ .
24 For Labour as for ‘ middle opinion ’ as a whole , increased State intervention and central direction went hand in hand with faith in a more rational and ordered treatment of social questions — an essentially technocratic approach — which found its most characteristic expression in the enthusiasm for ‘ planning ’ .
25 The new youth movement found its most dramatic expression in the religious brigades , the first of which was the Boys ' Brigade ( BB ) , founded by William Smith in Glasgow in 1883 , followed by the Church Lads ' Brigade ( CLB ) in 1891 , and the Boys ' Life Brigade ( BLB ) in 1899 .
26 This fear found its most extreme expression in the activities of Alan Percy and his supporters , who can be seen as a connecting link between the pre-war Die-hards and a conservative fascist tradition .
27 It was not a new idea , but in Chapman it found its most ardent champion .
28 In a Sunday Correspondent questionnaire two years ago , they rated their most overused word , ‘ dick ’ .
29 His fingers found her most sensitive spot and touched with feather-lightness again and again , until she was wriggling against him , her hair sticking wildly around her face .
30 Carolyn found her most difficult task was persuading Laura of the necessity for such schedules .
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