Example sentences of "[vb past] [pron] [adv] [adv] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 Miss Bedwelty then said , ‘ You asked me up here to give my opinion .
2 I scanned them once just to make sure Zaria was n't among them and was pretty sure she was n't .
3 Alright he , he 's probably down there with his wife and my friend and invited me down there to stay in her house but I do n't think it 's September actually , so I do n't , some .
4 She promised herself never again to disturb the peace of this man 's life .
5 Francis believes he could become Alan Shearer 's partner in the England side , and rated him highly enough to agree a new , four-year contract in the summer worth £4,000 a week .
6 After Leonora 's stitches were removed , painlessly , to her relief , Penry pronounced her well enough to help with his articles , since typing proved to be another of her accomplishments .
7 While in screwing the top , I moved it over slightly to give clearance for my jigsaw blade , and started to cut off the overlap .
8 In her wake came the likes of Chrissie Hynde , who found it easier just to wear the trousers .
9 I disabused his mind on this point by telling him about the fresh pug marks I had seen at the pool , and advised him very strongly to collect his buffaloes and return to the village .
10 The Foreign Office advised him very strongly to take no part in the transaction , but this was in fact an encouragement .
11 The Bishop of London , who was responsible for church organization in America , suggested in 1749 that a bishopric should be created for the American colonies ; nonconformist Protestants in England and in America opposed it strongly enough to lead the government to lay the idea aside .
12 ‘ And you wiped everything out just to camouflage the truth ? ’
13 On their third night she ordered him quite roughly to bring his legs closer together and found a way of rubbing herself against his knee while sucking at his neck that made him shudder .
14 And I scratched it on there to make sure that I did n't forget it .
15 But when her hubby heard of her endeavours he hotfooted it upstairs only to discover that the sock where he had hidden £500 was gone .
16 That had shocked me until I heard it too often to remain shocked .
17 She interpreted them quite accurately to mean that her children were under-achieving and the message she took from them was almost always a negative one .
18 ‘ I told the people around me that I wanted to quit , so they flew me back home to see a doctor .
19 ‘ Good morning , Mr Massingham , ’ she pulled herself sharply together to greet him , if her smile had faded then hoping at least to keep pleasant and civil .
20 He was a primitive misogynist whose hatred of the wife of one of his friends led him quite seriously to plan her murder .
21 But his enthusiasm for system led him too easily to assume that a native administration duly gazetted was a native administration actually functioning as a responsible organ of local government , and this set a limit to his achievements in reform .
22 Charlotte , her eyes on Albert who was taking her attention , asked him rather half-heartedly to desist , but the boy threw the ball out of the window .
23 He brought me down here to work for him under false pretences .
24 This arrangement continued for eight years , and enabled me not only to work on several books , but also to continue with my computer research .
25 This enabled them once again to draw up a profile of those high-risk subjects who developed schizophrenia , which turned out to be similar to that reported at an earlier stage of the research .
26 My predecessor took me carefully aside to explain that this device was part of a plot by the Director of Education either to drive him from his place or to impose comprehensives on the whole campus .
27 Jay had taken up situationist sculpture , and eased herself half upright to look at yesterday evening 's achievement .
28 Other women might be able to cope with an affair that was based on passion and nothing else , but she knew herself well enough to realise she could only be permanently scarred by such an involvement .
29 She knew herself well enough to know that if he challenged her account in the latter mode she 'd almost certainly lose her temper with him , and then the atmosphere between them , which had been ( with the exception of his overtures ) so easy and undemanding , would be spoiled .
30 Who was there here who knew her well enough to discern and identify any flaws in her own polished public persona ?
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