Example sentences of "[vb past] [pron] [adj] [noun sg] the " in BNC.

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1 A few minutes ago the hon. Member for Bristol , East ( Mr. Sayeed ) attacked my hon. Friend the Member for Bristol , South ( Ms. Primarolo ) for being absent from the Chamber for the statement .
2 The Minister asked my hon. Friend the Member for Wakefield ( Mr. Hinchliffe ) to give her more evidence of evictions .
3 Many found her consistent equilibrium the most surprising of her many qualities .
4 However , while battles such as those of the Jarama ( February 1937 ) , Guadalajara ( March 1937 ) and Brunete ( July 1937 ) were fought bitterly and with heavy casualties on both sides , as the Civil War entered its second year the fronts around Madrid had changed little since the previous November .
5 On shaky legs she walked slowly over to him , stood before him , her breathing suddenly shallow and jerky as he moved his dark gaze the length of her body .
6 Is it not a fact that on 3 July last year the Minister of State told my hon. Friend the Member for East Lothian ( Mr. Home Robertson ) that the recruitment figures for individual battalions in Scotland would not be released on the ground of security , yet when it suited the Secretary of State 's purpose , he was prepared to release figures showing 67 per cent .
7 As I told my hon. Friend the Member for Batley and Spen ( Mrs. Peacock ) , we do not need to raise taxes ; the Labour party does .
8 She told my American colleague the book is fine and he agrees .
9 To those who did not respond to his sad soliloquies on the terrible social stigma which must naturally fall upon the parents who forbade their own child the opportunity of gainful employment and condemned him instead to a living purgatory of dole-queue misery , there was always the wall of shame , upon which their names must be forever writ in letters big , for destroying the glorious reputation of the school .
10 However the children were less bullied , although Olivia , who till now had run about under her mother 's feet , received her first caning the day after her sixth birthday , having grown pert in the meantime , living away from the rest .
11 I envied you that day the way I 'd never envied any other man ; just for having her beside you .
12 Exuberantly believing that he alone was responsible for the separation and still moved by a powerfully purifying sense of goodness and rightness , Hope paid his modest bill the next morning , left a parting note for George , checked himself from asking to see Mary , promised — though he lied — to return and set off at a tremendous pace for Hause Point .
13 If he had the chance he picked her up in his sturdy little arms and kissed her downy head the way he saw his father do when he thought no one was looking .
14 She worked her hot tongue the length of that pulsing rod , and back again .
15 Dai Huang examined his new kiln the next day .
16 With the boats of the line , which included our little ship the Jim and Annie Rye , Sussex 146 we followed the luggers out to mid-channel .
17 While I am on my feet , perhaps I may apologise for referring in an earlier answer to my hon. Friend the Member for Northampton , North when I meant my hon. Friend the Member for Littleborough and Saddleworth ( Mr. Dickens ) , who made the suggestion .
18 She was still pondering this , as well as thinking about Faye Hamilton and the long difficult journey through pregnancy that lay ahead , when she became aware that Dr Russell was laughing to himself — just a quiet chuckle at first , but as he realised she was watching him and saw her bemused expression the sound grew to a full-throated and resonant guffaw .
19 I baffled her last night the front one again , I was swinging Emily around and banged her in the mouth , if it had n't of been there it would n't of cut her gum and went into her lip and her gum
20 In the year in which Joseph Parker made his controversial speech the Baptists and Congregationalists held some of their ‘ May Meetings ’ jointly but talk of the two denominations uniting found little support .
21 I understand the reply that you gave my Hon. Friend the Member for Walsall , North ( Mr. Winnick ) , but is it not possible to ask the Leader of the House , who is present , when we will have a statement about Mr. Rushdie and the ayatollah 's decision ?
22 The answer that he gave my hon. Friend the Member for Dover ( Mr. Shaw ) and the answer that he has just given have comprehensively shot a number of foxes , but one is still up and running .
23 Adding that he would not allow himself to be intimidated , he pointed out ’ — as did my hon. Friend the Member for Dewsbury — ’ that legal proceedings were pending against ten of the twelve EC countries for failure to respect EC rules on the assessment of large-scale works . ’
24 Her hair was splendidly awry because of the lead curling strips which , when removed , would leave her with a glorious gold-bright halo , but which now gave her angry face the fierce and tangled aspect of a Greek Fury .
25 In closing the Chairman introduced His Royal Highness The Duke of Kent , President of the RNLI , who was to present the awards .
26 The news came at the same time as Personal Computer World 's first annual awards — where the judges voted our 486-based PC the Best Power-User System ( see page 7 ) .
27 and we have yet to be contacted erm despite th the fact that at the time we had our last meeting the thing was supposed to be in the post .
28 Dropped by the one section of the establishment which supported it , and adopting policies that ensured that popular opinion would become increasingly hostile , Mosley destroyed whatever small likelihood the BUF had of becoming an effective force in British politics .
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