Example sentences of "[vb past] [pron] [prep] the [adv] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ This got me into the very comfortable American hospital , where I was well pampered .
2 Corbett Farraday let himself into the moderately imposing Edwardian villa which he shared with his mother .
3 If a computer printed out that its memory was suffering from a certain kind of fault , we might be persuaded from past experience to go on examining its hardware for faults , even though we found none in the initially plausible places .
4 The troubled programme has been bedevilled by the tardiness of some countries in implementing the 278 proposals required to remove all internal frontiers to business , and Mrs Thatcher found herself in the slightly unusual position of being praised by Mr Jacques Delors , the president of the European Commission , for being in the vanguard of the reform process .
5 In a famous description of Basil III , the Imperial Ambassador Sigismund von Herberstein described him as the most despotic sovereign on earth .
6 Patrick Devlin regarded him as the most effective speaker of his time :
7 He said the care of the staff at Ipswich Hospital and Denise helped him through the most difficult time of his life .
8 He trusted him on India , but also used him on the most sensitive domestic issues .
9 Gill and Jackson go on to identify eight ‘ black and mixed race couples ’ , seven ‘ mixed race ’ children and three black children , and use this sample to demonstrate that racial identity confusion , as they found it in the transracially placed children , could also be found in black children in black families and ‘ mixed race ’ children in ‘ mixed race ’ families : ‘ They provide an interesting comparison … because … same race placements are increasingly regarded as the ideal by social workers … and it is in the black and mixed race couples that ( it is said ) the child will come to develop a strong racial identity ’ ( p. 129 ) .
10 Gina Newman has uprooted her inimitable Something Wild boutique from Swiss Cottage , and transplanted it to the more accessible environs of Covent Garden .
11 There is nearly unanimous agreement among historians about the significance of the ‘ impossible situation ’ in which the Plantagenet king-dukes of Aquitaine found themselves in the later thirteenth and early fourteenth centuries .
12 I desired with almost sickening intensity something never to be described ( except that it is cold , spacious , severe , pale and remote ) and then , as in the other examples , found myself at the very same moment already falling out of that desire and wishing I were back in it .
13 The rage incited her to the most positive and extreme action .
14 How you corrupted a young and lovely woman … and subjected her to the most shatteringly depraved treatment .
15 His Italian blood attracted him to the most powerful Latins in America , and nobody who knew about his Mafioso connections messed with him .
16 He smiled almost lazily as he studied her across the brightly lit room .
17 Dinner was exquisite , even though they ate it in the somewhat strained silence of two people who had discovered they had absolutely nothing to say to each other .
18 The proprietor must have thought that they were lovers because he showed them to the most secluded table in the place , talking all the while in rapid French , which she could n't understand at all , but which Piers had no trouble in comprehending .
19 The same American report into male sexuality that revealed which stimuli men found most ‘ exciting ’ also reported that the following turned them off the most :
20 At Liverpool he turned himself into the most powerful preacher in all England .
21 For all his wayward impulses and the much documented erraticism of his '80s career , this contradictory figure has — through cunning , imagination and sheer force of will — constantly reassessed and reasserted himself as the most focused member of the old guard .
22 He nodded , smiling thinly , and fanned himself with the now redundant carpet-beater .
23 That hid itself inside the blowfly belly
24 Meredith soon forgot everything but the endlessly fascinating unfolding scene .
25 Tears rose haphazardly to her eyes as she watched the sequence of silent film Alexei showed her in the now darkened room .
26 Here was a person who took a faculty in another university and turned it into the most famous faculty in the land .
27 It was with such proclamations that the Cubists confirmed our lurch into the twentieth century and confronted us with the sometimes harsh realities that are alternative to the Renaissance view of mankind and certainly far removed from the elegances of Art Nouveau , Tiffany 's , the Moulin Rouge and the Paris Métro .
28 She was still on a ‘ high ’ , the potent adrenalin pumping through her veins , eyes sparkling , cheeks glowing with a becoming flush that owed nothing to the skilfully applied make-up .
29 He gave his brother a quick glance , then arranged himself in the most comfortable-looking chair in the room .
30 Laing was mollified , thanked him with the more formal and gracious ‘ Ashkurak ’ and withdrew .
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